Food Science and Technology

Effect Of Blanching And Decortication On The Physicochemical Properties Of Breadfruit (T.Africana) Flour And Seeds Using Response Surface Methodology


This study investigated the effects of blanching and decortications on the physicochemical properties using the response surface methodology. Physicochemical properties:-Bulk density,...

77 pages (12297 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Lime Juice On The Microflora And Some Chemical Characteristics Of "Ogiri" From Castor Bean (Ricinus Communis) And Locust Bean (Parkia Biglobosa) Seeds.


Dawadawa was prepared by the fermentation of castor seed and locust bean. The effect of lime juice on the microbial and chemical characteristics of the condiment were investigated during...

135 pages (27015 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Bacteriological Status Of Bottle Water Sold In Umuaiha Town.


Water is a remarkable compound and life is totally dependent in the presence of water in its liquid state (Adams and Moss 1999). Water is one of the most abundant and widely distributed...

63 pages (10414 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Ohmic Heating On The Shelf Life And Quality Parameters Of Palm Wine In A Static Medium


Palm wine sample (Raphia hookeri) with different salt concentration (O.6g, 0.7g, 0.8g and 0.9g salt) was subjected to ohmic heating to determine the extent of yeast destruction. The...

50 pages (9023 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Production Of Oghu-Cashewnut Cookies Using Cornstarch As A Binder


 Ighu and cashewnut flour mixtures were used in cookies production at a replaceable levels of 0,25,50, 75 and 10:0%. The basic unit operations include; sample preparations,...

100 pages (14708 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Processing On The Nutritional And Organolep Plc Qualities Of Freshwater Snail (Pila Ovata) Meat


 Freshwater snails (Pila ovata,) obtained from local harvesters, processed by blanching. salting, fermenting and frying were studied and the result compared to the raw unprocessed...

85 pages (18002 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Thermophysical Properties Of Selected Cassava Root Varieties


Hemoglobin concentration, plasma urea, serum calcium, serum total protein and cholesterol levels of healthy pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at Federal Medical Centre Umuahia were...

54 pages (9388 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Effects Of Processing On The Nutritional And Functional Properties Of False Yam (Icacina Trichantha) Flour


 False Yam (Icacina trichantha) tubers were processed into different flour samples: The raw, steeped - sun - dried (SSD), steeped-ovendried (SOD), blanched-sun-dried (BSD) and...

89 pages (15341 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Comparative Study On The Glycemic Indices Of Three Yam Cultivars (Dioscorea Rotun Data, Dioscorea Alata And Dioscorea Dumentorum) As Affected By Three Processing Methods


This study investigated the effect of different cooking methods on glycemic index (GI) of three yam cultivars commonly eaten in Nigeria namely: Dioscorea rotundata, Dioscorea alata and...

109 pages (27943 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Challenges Of Working Mothers In Ikwuano Local Government Area, Abia State.


 This study was designed to identify the challenges of working mothers in Ikwuano Local Government Area, Abia state. The area covered in this study were Umudike and Ndoro communities,...

75 pages (12488 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Nitrogen Fertilizer And Different Processing Methods On The B-Carotene (Provitamin A) Content Of Selected Sweet Potato (Ipoinoea Batatas (L) Lam) Varieties


Sweet potato, Jpomoea balatas (L) Lam, is a perennial plant grown normally as an annual (Woolfe, 1992). It is a root crop that find uses in much the same way as Irish...

124 pages (20036 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Rheological Properties And Quality Parameters Of Soymilk Products Treated With Selected Gums


Application of gums derived from Colocasia esculenta and Detariurn microcarpurn in malted soymilk and soy yoghurt was studied. Gum was extracted and purified from C. esculenta and...

156 pages (24863 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

The Effect Of Processing On Nutrient And Anti Nutrient Components Of Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia Occidentals) Leaves


The effects of processing on nutrient and antinutrient components of fluted pumpkin leafy (FP) vegetable were investigated. The processing methods used were; fresh, hot water...

118 pages (22378 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Production, Characterization And Optimization Of 'Kind1rmo' From Cowm1lk And Blends Of Cowmilk / Soymilk


Studies on the full-fat traditionally fermented milk product (kindirmo) were carried out using survey, physicochemical, microbial and sensory techniques. Study objectives were to' find out...

256 pages (65743 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Physico-Chemical And Sensory Properties Of Fufu Flours Processed From Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMI) Resistant Varieties From Two Different Locations


Fufu flours were processed from Cassava Mosaic Disease (CM1)) resistant varieties in Umudike and Onne locations. Their proximate composition, some functional and pasting ...

122 pages (27077 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Effects Of Different Processing Methods And Storage Period On The Quality Of Palm Oil


The effects of different processing methods and storage period on the quality of palm oil were studied in this research. The palm fruits were subjected to four different processing and...

128 pages (30450 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Effect Of Different Treatments On Proximate Composition Of Flour From Three-Leaf Yam (Dioscorea Dumetorum) And Effect Of Its Addition On The Organoleptic Properties Of Baked Products.


Tubers of three — leaf yam (trifoliate yam (Dioscorea dumetorum)) were procured and processed into flour by either cooking the tubers or raw. The flour samples produced were...

57 pages (12136 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

The Effect Of Processing On Some Of The Anti Nutritional Factors Ofafrican Yam Bean (Sphenostylis Stenocarpa) Seeds.


The effect of soaking, roasting, boiling and autociaving on some of the antinutritional factors (trypsin inhibitor, haemagglutinin and oligosaccharides) in the seeds of African...

57 pages (8025 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Different Extraction Methods of Pectin in Citrus Peels. By UDEAGHA, ELESIE .A.


Pectin was extracted from the peels of lemon, orange and grape using two extraction methods. The methods were organic and inorganic hydrolyses methods. The extraction yield,...

49 pages (7925 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Physico-Chemical And Sensory Properties Of Extrusion Cooked Blends Of African Yam Bean And Cassava Products In Relation To Processing Variables By Response Surface Analysis


The influence of extrusion cooking variables on the physico-chemical, functional and sensory properties of African yam bean (AYB) and cassava blends were investigated. The main...

239 pages (48045 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Evaluation Of The Inhibitory Potentials Of Buhholzia Coriaceae On Sitophilus Zeamais (Maize Weevils) On Stored Maize Grains


Phytochemical composition and inhibitory effects of Bzichholzia cvriaceae on S/lop/li/ifs zeamais were evaluated. The inhibitory effects of Buc/ihoizia coriaceae as compared to...

85 pages (16906 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Development And Evaluation Of Cocoyam-Soybean-Crayfish Based Complementary Food


Cormels of cocoyam (Colocasia esculejita, var. cocoinclici) and soybeans (Glycine max) were each cooked, dried and milled into flour of line texture, and combined with dried...

177 pages (33857 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Microbiological And Proximate Analysis On Cookies Produced From Wheat (Triticum Aestivumj And African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis Stenocarpa) Flour.


Wheat flour was used to substitute African Yam Bean flour at the ratio of 95%:5%, 90%:10%, 85%:15% and 80%:20% respectively in the production of cookies. The cookies prepared...

59 pages (10762 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Processing Methods On Proximate Composition, Anti- Nutritional Factors And Sensory Properties Of "Ugba": An African Oil Bean Product


The prepared seed slices of African oil bean (Pentaclthra macrophylla Benth) were subjected to different fermentation periods and dried using different drying methods to produce...

79 pages (16757 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Sorption Characteristics Of 'Ighu' A Cassava-Based Product


Cassava (Man/hot escu/enta. Craiitz) also known as inanioc, tapioca, inandica, a/pull!, vuca and cassacla (Opara, 1 997) is one of the most important root crops in the tropics...

73 pages (11984 words) · Theses · 3 years ago
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