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An integrated machine that comprises electric motors, a hopper, shelling, separating, pressing/grinding and roasting units for the processing of melon seeds into melon kernels,...
The paper shows that information management is very important because of the growth of information awareness, the explosion ofmassages, the increasing access to and demand for information...
This paper looks at library in achieving effective instruction in the Universal Basic Education (UBN). The Universal Basic Education (UBE) was launched in Nigeria in , f 1999 with the...
Globally, there has been an increasing emphasis on the local content generation. In practice, there is scarce record of different cultural values, indigenous knowledge ana heritage...
The write up reports the findings of an investigation of the present situation in the application of information technologies in two university Libraries - Michael Okpara University of...
Documentation is very important in life. Keeping valuable documents are very important to the owner as well as to relations. In research and learning, it is of great value in the sense...
Literature is anyprint document that conveys meaning and at the same time gives information to the user. Literature reviewis orcan be seen or viewed as a systematic reading search...
. Academic Libraries Academic libraries are libraries associatedwith institutions ofhigherlearning which are devoted to academic activities oftheirparent institutions. They...
For organizational efficiency and effectiveness, the leadership plays an important role. Therefore, it is important that leaders at every point in time appraise and re-appraise their style...
Aspects of library public relations (LPR) programmes take place outside the library. This is not surprising considering that LPR is designed to help the library forge a good understanding...