Journal Articles / Papers

Retirement and the Challenges of Survival of Liberians: The Way forward:- Amogu, Uma K.


Retirement is a critical and inevitable transition that every worker lives to face its reality Retirement marks the end of a paid employment. Retirees face a lot of challenges for survival....

9 pages (3586 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Information for All: Towards Promoting Reading Culture and Readership for National Development in Nigeria:- Amogu Uma K.


Reading, the practice of seeking knowledge, information or entertainment through the written or printed word is one of the most effective means of disseminating and preserving information....

14 pages (4947 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Exploring The Entrepreneurial Opportunities For Library And Information Science Professionals In The Contemporary Nigerian Society:- Kalu, Amogu U


paper discussed the entrepreneurial opportunities that exist for Library and Information Science rofessionals (LIS) in the contemporary Nigeria. It started by painting an ugly picture of...

6 pages (3179 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

~ Public Library Services For Cultural And Educational Rebirth Among Young People In Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria: The Case Of Umuahia Public Library:- Amogu Uma Kalu


This study examined public library services for cultural and educational rebirth among young people in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria. Case study and descriptive survey research designs were...

12 pages (5646 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Reader Services' Operational Environment And Staff Satisfaction In University Libraries In Nigeria:- Amogu, Uma K.


This paper takes a cursory look at reader services in university libraries in Nigeria. It x-rays tk,%{ structure, services as well as the challenges of reader services in Nigeria...

8 pages (5161 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Save The Time Op The User: Implications For Librarians And Library Services In The Age Of Technology:- Amogu Uma K.


Save the time of the user: Implications for librarians and library services in the age of technology. · J is on opinion paper and therefore expository. It explained the basic principles of...

7 pages (4074 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Technical Services In Nigerian Library And Information Practice 1962-2022: Cataloguing Practices And Services At The Crossroads:- Amogu, Uma K.


 The increase in electronic resources occasioned by ICT, modern cataloguing practices and electronic platforms, with dearth of experienced cataloguers has left Nigerian libraries at...

13 pages (6411 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Optimizing The Utilization Of Serial Materials For Academic Research:- Amogu Uma K.


The paper exposes that academic libraries are theatres of academic research and serial materials play pivotal role in academic research. The paper therefore, inquires into the meaning of...

8 pages (3759 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Availability of Information and Communication Technology and Users' Patronage of Academic Libraries in Abia State Nigeria:- Amogu, Uma K.


The study was designed to investigate the influence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in users' patronage of academic libraries in Abia State. The study adopted the Survey...

16 pages (3746 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Roadmap to Success in Library and Information Sciences ( LIS) Profession in a Digital Age:- Amogu, Uma K.


The world is at the digital age, where information is the cutting edge. Library and information science (LIS) professionals who intend to succeed in the information age must apart from...

13 pages (3661 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

The Teaching Of Use Of Library By Non-Librarians And Effect On Students: The Case Of Abia State Polytechnic, Aba.:- Amogu, Uma K


 The paper assessed the teaching of "Use of Library" by non-librarians in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba. The study adopted the Case Study Research Design, while the sample consisted of...

15 pages (4142 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Public- Private Partnership And Provision of Public Library Services In Nigeria. A Discourse :- Amogu, Uma K.


One of the public goods which every responsible government should provide to the populace is public library services. Unfortunately, public libraries are not adequately provided in Nigeria...

7 pages (3056 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Driving The Knowledge Society Through Proper Documentation Of Academic Research And Scholarly Publications:- Amogu, Uma K


One. of the major requirements of every knowledge society is contribution to knowledge through academic research and publications for the professional development of the practitioners. For...

14 pages (5678 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Information Literacy Skills: A Strategic Imperative For Librarians In The Digital Age:- Amogu, Uma K.


The Digital Age has come with a lot of changes in the ways and manner information is handled and for libranans to perform their duties effectively, efficiently and competently, they must...

10 pages (3847 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Bibliometric Analysis of Papers Presented at the Nigerian Library Association (NLA) National Conference / AGM, 2007-2013 :- Amogu, Uma K.


One of the major objectives of the Nigerian Library Association has been to promote and encourage bibliographical study, research and library co-operations. To achieve these. the...

8 pages (4699 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Public Library Patronage And Strategies To Bring Back The User: The Case Of Umuahia Public Libraries, Abia State, Nigeria:- Amogu, Uma K.


The importance of public libraries in'education and information dissemination is well acknowledged the world over. Public libraries are required to provide satisfactory services that would...

9 pages (4375 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Academic Library Partnership as Strategic Tool for Proactive Library Services in Nigeria:- Amogu, Uma K


This study examines strategic partnership among academic libraries in Nigeria. It discusses the rationale for resource sharing and networking particularly in this present Technological...

9 pages (4597 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Utilization Of Health Information For Safe Pregnancy And Delivery Among Women In Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria:- Amogu Uma K


It is a known fact that pregnancy represents a special period to every woman. At this time, pregnant women are known to make conscious efforts to access and utilize health information for...

13 pages (5605 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Availability and Functionality of Library Management Software in University Library in South East:- Amogu, Uma K.


A university library is basically a type of academic library or library system that is established within a university and is funded by the university in order to meet the information and...

7 pages (4828 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Reader Services' Operational Environment And Staff Satisfaction In Nigerian University Libraries:- Amogu, Uma K.


 This paper takes a cursory reader services in university libraries In Nigeria. It x-rays the structure, services as well as the challenges of reader services in Nigeria...

11 pages (5465 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Harnessing the Gains of Cooperative Librarianship in the Information Age :- Amogu Uma K.


The information Age also-referred to  as he Digital Age has been characterized with informationexplosion, learning and developments in information technology. The increasing role of...

9 pages (5211 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Looking For Quality Public Services Librarians In The Information Age:- Amogu, Uma K.


 The Information Age has come upon us, and "looking for quality public services librarian in the Age of Information" is a position paper aimed at providing the requirements needed for...

16 pages (3990 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Uses And Gratifications Of Library Electronic Information Resources And Services Among Lecturers In Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, Nigeria:- Amogu Uma K.


 The focus of this study was to investigate the uses lecturers of Abia State Polytechnic, Aha put the institution's e-learning resources and the satisfaction they derive from the...

12 pages (4725 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Mitigating Community Transmission of Covid-19 Pandemic in Ahia State, Nigeria: the Place of Information Sharing and Utilization:- Amogu, Uma K.


Quality health information dissemination is key to the prevention and control of diseases especially novel ones like COVID-I9. The place of information sharing and utilization in...

16 pages (5854 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago

Makerspace as emerging trend in academic libraries• advocacy for adoption and domestication in Nigeria:- Amogu, Kalu U.


The study examined Maker space as an emerging trend in academic lihrar, ·s globally. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. because the aata is nominal. Four...

11 pages (5006 words) · Journal Articles / Papers · 6 months ago
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