Use Of Online Public Access Catalogue By Undergraduate Students Of Library And Information Science In University Of Nigeria Nsukka :- Catherine, Oluchi Umebali

12 pages (5048 words) | Journal Articles / Papers


This study investigated the use of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) by undergraduate students of Library and lnform(lfion Science i11 Unfrcr.<iry of Nigeria. :Vsukka. The srudy adopted descriptive survey research design. The researchers considered the entire population as manageable and as such did 1101 use sample. The population was drawn from year i..-o tn rear four who the researchers comid,•red 10 ha1·ef11l~,· registaecl ,.·ith 1/rc• rmiwr.<ir.1: Tht' total popular ion used for the study was 264. Q11eslion11aire \\'OS usc•d a.< the i11.<tnm1e111 w .-licit informa11011 from respondents. The study f'C'\'t•als tlrut access tools needed for 111forma11011 retril'\ al were made m·ailahle for users but students prefer browsing the shelves directly to acct'.<., informurion resnurres in the library. However the finding reveals that some <11ule111s use OPAC in information retrieral hu1 there seemed to become challenges faced by students in the use of OPAC in information retrieval, The major challenges as revealed by the study include: lack of awareness, insensitive attitude of library staff to users. poor network saviL-e. limited computer terminals, irregular power supply and poor information literacy skill. However, it was recommended that library stu/f.1ho11ld'lore mort! pnsitil'e ll'ays of sensitizing the users on tire m!i-a,11ag<• ofOP,IC in informutwn re1rie1·al, o,x.ini=e regular training for users and stafffnr 1lre improl'ement of their ICT skills, provide alternative power supply. increase the computer terminals, and engage in co/luhort11ion ll'ith orher i11stitution.r among others.


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-- (2024). Use Of Online Public Access Catalogue By Undergraduate Students Of Library And Information Science In University Of Nigeria Nsukka :- Catherine, Oluchi Umebali. Retrieved Sep 19, 2024, from

MLA 8th

--. "Use Of Online Public Access Catalogue By Undergraduate Students Of Library And Information Science In University Of Nigeria Nsukka :- Catherine, Oluchi Umebali", 08 Apr. 2024, Accessed 19 Sep. 2024.


--. "Use Of Online Public Access Catalogue By Undergraduate Students Of Library And Information Science In University Of Nigeria Nsukka :- Catherine, Oluchi Umebali".,, 08 Apr. 2024. Web. 19 Sep. 2024. < >.


--. "Use Of Online Public Access Catalogue By Undergraduate Students Of Library And Information Science In University Of Nigeria Nsukka :- Catherine, Oluchi Umebali" (2024). Accessed 19 Sep. 2024.

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