This study was carried out to examine the contribution of
publishing houses to literacr development in Abia Slate reference to Educational
publishers limited, Aba, Abici Science. Primary data obtained/rein calion of
cjues'tionnaire i 'as' analyzed i/sing ck.s'criptn'e statistic such
/redjuency/perccniage and mean. 77i' result revealed that ina,joriy of i/ic
respondents are iiiale constituling 80.00%, maJority are B.SC'/I-IiVD holders
constituting 47. 00%,majority of the respondents have working experience of
31-35years constituting 27.0%, majority of the respondents working in
publishing house were professional constitutihg 27.0%, many of the respondents
constituting 80.00% agree that educational 'publishers limited has cotitrib
u/cc! to literacy development, ma/0110' o/ respondents constituting 93.33%
agree thcit publishing house he/p to promote literacy development. majority of
the respondents that agree Picit educational publishers hunted have adequate
facilities, equipment and machineries' used/br operation conslitutingl00%,
majority of the respondents agree that educational publisher limited service
their ecjuipinent '5' regulcirlylo0%, majority of'the respondents agree that
publication house in Aba, Abia State agree that staff working in publishing
house are enough constituting 66.67%, majori v oft/ic respondents' agree that
publishing house have qualified staff constituting /00%. majoriti' qi the
respondents cigeee that via/f i 'or/aug iii piiblwatioii house in .4 ha, .1bia
Stoic are inoin'ated fbi increase oat c'oils'/iil/iing 6 "%, i/iajoi'ifl'
of the respondents ag/ce thai education puhlishin limited Aba .4 bia Slate
source fund /10/n sales' and shares' constituting 80. 00%, majority of' the
respondents' agree that capital employ cind use in running organization is' low
constituting 53.33%, inajoriti' of' the respondents agree that litercíture I
emanating 1 from educational pubhi.s'hing hunted plo/note literacy development
consti/uting • 93,33%, majority of the respondents' agree that educational
publishers limited engages in hooks' business constituting 66.67%, majority of'
the respondents' agree that the major pi'obleni militating agcu/1.s't the
e/jLctii'e and e//lcien/ performance of the organization is' /imiance
constituting 5333%, Inadequcite capital. staff, machinery and equipment,
govern/ne/It s'upport, were a major determinant to pubii.s'hing house Aba,
Abici State. 7'he result of the findings s/iou's that inadequate/lnance,
unqualified .s'ta//'s'trength, non-go 'i'ermmiumental support anclfhulty
equipment dire tile major/actors' ci/j'cting publishing house. It was'
recommended that government in the s/cite and other agencies' should assist
publishing house in flncincing their project so as' to reduce the c'o.s't of
distribution of this books'.
BRIGHT, U (2021). The Contribution Of Publishing Houses To Literacy Development In Abia State (A Case Study Of Educational Publishers Limited Aba Abia State). Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Jan 22, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-contribution-of-publishing-houses-to-literacy-development-in-abia-state-a-case-study-of-educational-publishers-limited-aba-abia-state-7-2
UMA, BRIGHT. "The Contribution Of Publishing Houses To Literacy Development In Abia State (A Case Study Of Educational Publishers Limited Aba Abia State)" Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 01 Nov. 2021, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-contribution-of-publishing-houses-to-literacy-development-in-abia-state-a-case-study-of-educational-publishers-limited-aba-abia-state-7-2. Accessed 22 Jan. 2025.
UMA, BRIGHT. "The Contribution Of Publishing Houses To Literacy Development In Abia State (A Case Study Of Educational Publishers Limited Aba Abia State)". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 01 Nov. 2021. Web. 22 Jan. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-contribution-of-publishing-houses-to-literacy-development-in-abia-state-a-case-study-of-educational-publishers-limited-aba-abia-state-7-2 >.
UMA, BRIGHT. "The Contribution Of Publishing Houses To Literacy Development In Abia State (A Case Study Of Educational Publishers Limited Aba Abia State)" Mouau.afribary.org (2021). Accessed 22 Jan. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-contribution-of-publishing-houses-to-literacy-development-in-abia-state-a-case-study-of-educational-publishers-limited-aba-abia-state-7-2