Population Growth in Agricultural Production in Nigeria

47 pages (8941 words) | Projects


 The objective of the study is to compare the population growth and agricultural production in the period 1992-2006. Secondary data were used in this study and was analyze (using simple statistical tools for objectives I and 2 vli lie object ives 3 and 4 was anal yved by inca us (11 ICgICSSIOfl. Di1a were collected on agrictilitiral output. cropped area of land, population, number of housebolds, change in population, pOpLulitiOfl growth rate, and change in output, growth rate of output (° ), and change in crop area amongst others. The data covers the period of I 992-2006. Ihc ordinary least square regression technique was used to examine the impact of population and land oii agrictu liii ial product ion. .1 'I uc regression result reveals that the land available for agriculture is on the decrease due to rapid population growth and urban izat ion. AlSo a posit t ye change in population can increase over lie years with greatest increase recorded in 1 996. For determinants on population growth and land on agricultural production, the F-ratio shows that populatjon is significant at 1 percent level and positively related to out[1]put implying that increase in this variable will lead to increase in agricultural product ion. For the JctcrininanI ol the ilnj)act of population on agricultural land, the f-ratio ShOWS that all the coefficient of deteriiiination were 1 siguiheauil at .1 peiceuil and the signs 01 Variable couiforms to a i)rior expectation Based on this findings, it is recommended that people should be encouraged to take up lirming as an occupation through loans and other i licen Ii \eS (loan subsidy a u Id iuiptut tikidy ) especially our young graduates. Also people should be educated to have the number ot children that they would cater for to avoid population explosjon. AlSo farmers should he encouraged by giving them incentives so as to increase their production; there should be a review of land usc degree inak ing more agricultural oriented so that land will be availal)Ie for agricultural production

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-- (2021). Population Growth in Agricultural Production in Nigeria. Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Sep 20, 2024, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/population-growth-in-agricultural-production-in-nigeria-7-2

MLA 8th

--. "Population Growth in Agricultural Production in Nigeria" Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 25 Aug. 2021, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/population-growth-in-agricultural-production-in-nigeria-7-2. Accessed 20 Sep. 2024.


--. "Population Growth in Agricultural Production in Nigeria". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 25 Aug. 2021. Web. 20 Sep. 2024. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/population-growth-in-agricultural-production-in-nigeria-7-2 >.


--. "Population Growth in Agricultural Production in Nigeria" Mouau.afribary.org (2021). Accessed 20 Sep. 2024. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/population-growth-in-agricultural-production-in-nigeria-7-2

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