Economics Of Yam Marketing In Umuahia Zone Of Abia State

NWACHUKWU CHIDINMA | 62 pages (12314 words) | Projects


The study examined the economics of yam marketing in Umuahia zone of Abia State. The specific objectives of the study are to examine the socio-economic characteristics of yam marketing, examine the marketing channel for yam. Estimate cost and return using the marketing margin model, compare the prices for yam in Urban and Rural markets in different period and identify marketing constraints encountered by yam marketers in the study area. To achieve ti?e objectives of this study, five markets namely Ogwumabiri, Aforibejij Nkwoegwu, Apumiri Ubakala and Ahiaukwu Olokoro markets were purposively selected. Both primary data and secondary data were used in the study. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 150 respondents who were randomly selected from the five markets. These comprised 60 wholesalers and 90 retailers. Simple descriptive statistical tools such as percentages, frequency tables, means, Pearson correlation and marketing margin were used to analyse the data. Results show that the major sources of yam to the study area were Northern state and the middle belt of Nigeria. Participants in the distribution channel include producers, itinerant buyers wholesalers and retailers. The marketing margin computed were 37.2 percent and 13.3 percent for the wholesalers and retailer respectively. The correlation coefficient suggests that prices are positively correlated at 1 percent and 5 percent levels of significances. This indicates that yam marketing is efficient and that the markets are also integrated. Marketing problems encountered by traders were inadequate and high transportation cost, inadequate credit facilities and lack of standard units of weight measures and grades. Based on the findings, it is recommended that good road network and cheap means of transportation shou1d be provided by government together with adequate standards units of weight measures.



Title Page

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement Iv

Table of Contents V

Lists of Tables Vi

List of figures Vii

Abstract Viii


1.0 Introduction 1.

1.1 Background Statement 4

1.2 Problem Statement 4

1.3 Objectives of the study 5

1.4 Hypothesis 5

1.5 . Justification for the study 5

1.6 Limitations 6

1.7 Plan of the Report 7



2.1.1 Definition of Marketing 8

2.2 Definition of Market 9

2.3 Marketing and production 10

2.4 Agricultural Marketing and the Economy 11

2.5 Agricultural Marketing Efficiency 12

2.6 Market Structure 15

2.7 Market conduct 17

2.8 Market Performances 18

2.9 Marketing channels 18

2.10 Marketing margin 20

2.11 Marketing cost 21

2.12 Problems of Agricultural Marketing 22


3.0 Methodology 23

3.1 Study area 23

3.2 Sampling procedure 24

3.3 Data collection 24

3.4 Analytical Technique 25


4.0 Results and Discussion 26

4.1. Socio-Economic characteristics of the Respondents 26

4.1.1 Sex of traders 27

4.1.2 Age of traders 27

4.1.3 Educational level of Traders 28

4.1.4 Household size of Traders 29

4.1.5 Marital status of-Traders 29

4.1.6 Major occupation of traders 30

4.1.7 Mode of transportation 31

4.1.8 Source of funds 32

4.1.9 Source of supply 32

4.1.10 Quantity ofBought 33

4.11 Quantity sold 34

4.1.12 Functional categorization 34

4.2 Marketing channel 36

4.3 Cost and Returns Analysis 36

4.4 Price variation analysis 39

4.5 Marketing problems 40


SM Summary, conclusion and recommendations 42

5.1 Summary 42

5.2 Conclusion 42

5.3 Recommendations 43

References 44

Appendices 45

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NWACHUKWU, C (2021). Economics Of Yam Marketing In Umuahia Zone Of Abia State. Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from

MLA 8th

CHIDINMA, NWACHUKWU. "Economics Of Yam Marketing In Umuahia Zone Of Abia State", 24 May. 2021, Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.


CHIDINMA, NWACHUKWU. "Economics Of Yam Marketing In Umuahia Zone Of Abia State".,, 24 May. 2021. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < >.


CHIDINMA, NWACHUKWU. "Economics Of Yam Marketing In Umuahia Zone Of Abia State" (2021). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.

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