
Effect Of Social Responsibility Cost On Corporate Performance (A Study Of Mtn Nigeria)


The study  investigated   the  effect  of social  responsibility   cost  on corporate performance in the telecommunication ...

63 pages (15974 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effects Of Merger And Acquisition On Small Business Lending In Nigeria


The scope of this Research work was focused on the effects of Merger and Acquisition on small business lending in Nigeria  on study of selected  Banks in Nigeria. The...

82 pages (20124 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Environmental Accounting On The Performance Of Oil And Gas Companies In Nigeria (A Study Of Selected Oil And Gas Companies)


The study focused on the effect of environmental accounting on the performance of oil and gas companies in Nigeria. The specific objectives of this study include; to examine the effect of...

67 pages (14348 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effects Of Tax Evasion And Avoidance On Revenue Generation And Economic Development In Nigeria


This research work provides  a brief conceptual review on the two converging concepts:  tax evasion and avoidance and examine some  of the legally permissible  schemes...

75 pages (16707 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Impact Of IFRS On The Preparation Of Financial Statements In Nigeria


The  study investigated on the  impact of IFRS on the preparation  of  financial statements: The major  objective of the study is to examine the impact  of...

76 pages (15010 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Corporate Governance And Profitability Of Banks In Nigeria (A Study Of First Bank Plc)


The study attempted to examine  corporate governance and the profitability  of banks in  Nigeria.   The main objective of the study is  to examine the effect...

84 pages (22683 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Employee Related Cost On Organizational Performance (A Study Of Quoted Companies In Nigeria)


The study  examined the  effect  of employee    related   cost  on  organizational     performance.     The...

74 pages (20636 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Impact Of Human Resource Accounting On Organizational Profitability (Study Of Nigeria Guinness Plc)


The study investigated  the impact of human resource accounting  in enhancing organizational  profitability.   The major objectives of the study were to investigate...

79 pages (14750 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Role Of Statutory Auditors In Preventing And Detecting Fraud In Government Establishment In Nigeria (A Study Of Aba South Local Government)


The  study  examined   the  role  of  statutory   auditors   in preventing    and  detecting frauds   in...

88 pages (15987 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Profitability And Liquidity Trade-Off: A Study Of Selected Quoted Companies In Nigeria


This  study investigates  the  relationship  between  profitability  and  liquidity  trade-off  using selected quoted companies in Nigeria. The...

71 pages (14998 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Information Technology On Accounting Processes Of Firms In Nigeria (A Study Of Selected Banks In Nigeria)


The   study    investigated    the   effect   of   information    technology    on   accounting...

72 pages (12703 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Financial Management Techniques On The Financial Performance On Manufacturing Companies: (A Study Of Selected Company In Nigeria)


The study investigated the effect of financial management techniques on the financial performance of manufacturing companies. The major objectives of study are:to determine the effect of...

65 pages (11942 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Impact Of Corporate Tax On Earnings And Growth Of Quoted Manufacturing Firms In Nigeria (A Study Of Selected Manufacturing Firms) (From 2009-2016)


The study investigated on the Impact of corporate tax on the Earnings and Growth of  manufacturing firms  in Nigeria.  The major objectives of  the study are;  to...

52 pages (10424 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Role Of Management Accounting Information System In The Decision Mai(Ing Of An Organization (A Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc.)


The study focused  on the role of management  accounting  information  system  in the decision making  of an organization   using  First ...

76 pages (12006 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Dividend Policy On Liquidity Of Banks In Nigeria ~ (A Study Of Union Bank And Diamond Bank)


This  study  examined    the  effect   of  dividend   policy  on  liquidity    of  banks   in...

70 pages (21433 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Internal Control On The Performance Of Small And Me1dium Scale Enterprises (A Study Of Umuahia Metropolis, Abia State)


The study focused   on  the evaluation  and determination  of the  effect  of  internal control  on the performance   of small ...

77 pages (14140 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Impact Of Information And Communication Technology On Banking Sector Performance In Nigeria (A Study Of Access Bank Plc)


The study investigated the impact of information communication technology on the performance of banking sector in Nigeria.  The major objectives of the study were to identify the...

76 pages (19726 words) · Projects · 3 years ago



The  study  investigated   on the  effect  of cost  management   on  the profitability   of Nigeria   ...

70 pages (15627 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Risk Management On The Financial Performance Of Banks In Nigeria (A Study Of First Bank Plc)"


The study  examined  the effect of risk management  on financial  performance  of Banks  in Nigeria.   The specific objectives of the study...

70 pages (14590 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Merger And Acquisition On Shareholders Wealth And Profitability Of Companies In Nigeria. Case Study (First City Monument Bank Plc)


Banks' recapitalization is based on a belief that gains can accrue through expense reduction, increased market power, reduced earnings volatility, and scale and scope economies. ...

70 pages (14583 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Lending And Debt Management On Performance Of Money Deposit Banks .In Nigeria (A Study Of First Banks Of Nigeria And Access Bank Plc)


This study focuses on effects of lending and debt management on the performance of money deposit banks in Nigeria. The major problem examined in this work is the impairment to some extent...

77 pages (13718 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Contributions Of Capital Gains Tax To Nigeria Economy


The study investigated  on thecontribution   of capital gain  tax on the economic  growth of Nigeria.  The major  objectives  of the study ...

81 pages (20624 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Non-Performing Loans On The Performance Of Commercial Banks In Nigeria (A Study Of Selected Banks)


The  study  investigated   the  effect  of  non-performing   loans  on  the performance  of  commercial banks  in...

67 pages (18479 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Direct Taxes On Economic Growth Of Nigeria


This study investigated the effect of direct taxes on economic growth in Nigeria. To achieve this objective,  the study specifically investigated the effect of Company Income ...

64 pages (16504 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Commercial Bank (Loan Of Advances On Development Of Manufacturing and Allied Sectors In Nigeria


This  study  investigated   the  effect  of  commercial   bank  loan  and  advances  on manufacturing  and ...

52 pages (12862 words) · Projects · 3 years ago
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