Food Science and Technology

Effect Of Processing On The Storage Stability And Functional Properties Of Cowpea (Vigna Ungliicuiata Walp) Flour In The Production Of Moin-Moin And Akara


Flours prepared from a cowpea (vigna unguiculata) variety IT82D — 716 white using different processing methods (germination, heat treatment, fermentation and the untreated flour)...

52 pages (8198 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Quality Assessment Of Sauces Produced From Snail, Achatina Marginata (Fermented And Unfermented) With African Oil Bean, Pentaclethra Macrophylla.


Snail meat and oil bean were naturally fermented or unfermented, dried, ground into flour and subjected to analysis to determine the functional properties. The fresh undried...

40 pages (6331 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Evaluation Of The Chemical Compositions And Antimicrobial Properties Of Buchhol:Ia Coreceae Engl. Family Moringaceae (Wonderful Cola).


The chemical composition and antimicrobial potentials of Buc/thol::a coriacease were investigated. The chemical composition showed absence of antinutritional factors such as...

71 pages (12376 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Studies On The Potentials Of Aerial Yam (Dioscorea Bulbifera) Flour In A Baked Product


The proximate composition, functional properties and sensory quality of aerial yam tuber flour were evaluated. The flour,was substituted for wheat at various levels in cake...

56 pages (9061 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Incorporation Of Modified Starches On The Quality Of Bread From Composite Flours


Starches were extracted from maize, millet and cassava and modified using 1% Hydrochloric acid, Glucoamvlase (an enzyme) and a combination of both. Some functional properties such...

76 pages (12930 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Proximate Composition And Functional Properties Of Flours From Sprouted Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas), Cocoyam (Colocasia Esculenta) And Potato (Solanum Tuberosum)


Mature wholesome species of cocoyam, potato and sweet potato tubers were kept in the open at room temperature until sprouting was observed and monitored for two weeks. Flours were...

55 pages (9988 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Effect Of Processing On The Nutrient Composition And Shelf Life Of Tomato Product


Botanically, tomatoes is a fruit, although its inclusion in tile main course of meals makes it seem like a vegetable and U.S. supreme court in 1893 classified it as a...

49 pages (7229 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Development And Evaluation Of Complementary Foods From Cereal / Legume Blend


The potential of rice as a complementary food was investigated. Four blends of the cereal — legume components (70:30) were formulated: toasted rice — groundnut, toasted rice —...

35 pages (5558 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Moisture Sorption Isotherm Of Ighu — A Cassava Based Product.


Enwere (1998) reported that the product could also be prepared by peeling, washing, shredding and sun- drying. When prepared for human consumption, the shreds are cooked, washed,...

32 pages (5070 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effects Of Chemical Preservatives And Packaging Materials On The Shelf Stability Of Corn Flour



The effectiveness of different chemical preservatives and packaging materials in extending the shelf life of corn flour was evaluated in this study The chemical preservatives were...

63 pages (10651 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Quality Evaluation Of Roasted, Boiled And Raw African Breadfruit (Treculia Ufricana) Seed Flour


This study inyestigated the quality of roasted, boiled and raw African breadfruit (Treculia

african) seed flour. The proximate composition, vitamin and mineral analysis were carried out


62 pages (10735 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Chemical And Sensory Attributes Of Biscuits Produced From Finger Millet (Eleusine Coracana L.), Soybean (Glycine Max L.) And Carrot (Daucus Carota L.) Flour Blends


The study investigated physical, fimctional, proximate, mineral, vitamin, phytochemical,

total dietary fibre and sensory qualities of finger millet-soybean-carrot flour blend

biscuits using...

152 pages (31649 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Optimization Of Cell Yield Of Saccharornyces Cerevisiae Cultured In Supplemented Breadfruit Waste 1-Lydrolysate


The approach to the production of single-cell protein (SCP) from \\aste(orange, plantain,

cassava. sovabean) and synthetic medium by saLc/1LIIo/1liee. CC/&fl/SIUL was studied under...

47 pages (7753 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Production And Evaluation Of A Cereal-Ume (Soy-Maize-Groundnut) Breakfast Food


Soybean (G/ycin mar,) was blended with maize (Zea mays,) and groundnut (Arachis

hypogea) at soybean/maize/groundnut ratios of 10:70:20, 20:70:10 and 20:60:20.

Microbiological qualities,...

49 pages (6320 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Effects Of Initial Acidification On Physioci-Iemical And Microbial Changes During Fermentation Of Salted Cabbage Juice


Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. sabauda) juice was extracted and dispensed

into six fermentation vessels and salted with constant weight of 2.0% (w/v) NaCi.

Varying initial lactic acid...

68 pages (14453 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Optimization Of Cell Yield Of Saccharornyces Cerevisiae Cultured In Supplemented Breadfruit Waste Hydrolysate


The approach to the production of single-cell protein (SCP) from \\aste(orange, plantain,

cassava. sovabean) and synthetic medium by saLc/1LIIo/1liee. CC/&fl/SIUL was studied under


47 pages (7753 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Hypogylycemic And Hypocholesterolemic Effects Of Diets Containing Selected Plant Products


The plants were dried and their proxate

composition, dietary fibre, antinutrient and mineral contents were determined. (I

Sy1re.s'ic'r had the highest crude protein content of 39.69 ±...

120 pages (22661 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Optimization Of Process Conditions For Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata) Flour Production In Making Akara.


Akara is a popular dish prepared from cowpea. Optimization of cowpea (Vigna

unguiculata) flour is to produce ready-to-use cowpea flour for production of

akara. The experimental design was...

132 pages (13775 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Insecticidal Properties Of Four (4) Plant Products On Tribolium Gastaneum And Effects Of Infestation On Groundnut Oil Quality.


The insecticidal properties of garlic (0.5g. lOg, 1.5g, 2.0g) ginger (0.5g, lOg,

L5g 2.og,) orange pepper (0.5g, lOg, 1.5g. 2.og) and red pepper (0.5g, lOg, l.5g, 2.og)

on the groundnut...

59 pages (9980 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Production And Evaluation Of Bread From Yam-Wheat Flour Blends


Flours were obtained from three varieties of yam by peeling, slicing, washing.

blanching, drying, milling and sieving. The flours obtained were blended with wheat

flour at 25, 50 and 75%...

157 pages (15952 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Moisture Sorption Characteristics Of Dried Cocoyam Chips


Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of cocoyam varieties: Colocasia

esculenta; Xanthosoma sagiUifoiium, Cylosperma chamissonis, cocoyam

varieties were determined at 30°C by equilibrating dried...

66 pages (12342 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Development Of Inoculum For Soy Yoghurt


Fresh soymilk containing 5% added sugar and 1 .Og/t gelatin was incubated with L.

acdophilis (sample A), equal amounts (1:1) of L acidophilus and S. thermophilus (sample

B) and S....

78 pages (15883 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Maize Starches And Their Influence On The Sensory Properties Of Composite Maize/Wheat Sorghum/Wheat Biscuits


Starches were produced from sorghum and maize grains. The starches were

tested for purity. They were modified using the following reagents and enzymes

glucoamylase, c - amylase, ,8— amylase,...

63 pages (13031 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Functional and Sensory Properties of Blends of Ighu and Groundnut, Ighu and Cashewnut


Functional and sensory properties of blends of ighu and groundnut; 

ighu and cashew nut flours were investigated, mixtures of 25-100% 

groundnut and cashew nut flours were...

40 pages (5414 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Effect Of Different Processing Methods On The Phytochemical Content Of Some Selected Food


The effect of different food processing methods on the phytochemical contents of some selected 

food items; Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), Carrot (Daucus carota), Sweet Potato...

70 pages (13364 words) · Projects · 3 years ago
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