Food Science and Technology

Functional Properties And Cyanide Content Of Flours And Starches From Cassava Mosaic Disease Resistant Varieties


Flours and starches were obtained from forty-four Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) resistant varieties recently developed by the International institute of Tropical Agriculture ...

84 pages (19807 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Production Of Sausage-Like Products Using Mixtures Of Sweet Potato (Ipornoea Batatas) And Bambara Groundnut (Voandzeia Subterranea) Flours As Fillers


The use of mixtures of sweet potato (/pomoea batatas) and Bambara groundnut (Voaiiclzeia sublerm,iea (L) Thours) flours as fillers in sausage —like products were investigated. Sensory...

56 pages (9549 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Effect Of Simple Processing Methods On The Quality Characteristics Of Flours And Traditional Food Forms From Aerial Yam (Dioscorea Bulbifera)


Yam is a staple carbohydrate food for a large section of the population in the tropics. The chemical composition of the tuber varies with species and cultiver with water accounting for...

40 pages (7005 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Rice And Soybean Based Formulation Of Weaning Food


A rice-soy based weaning food was produced as a unit of cereal-legume mixtures with the addition of soybean overcoming the lysine deficiency of rice and the protein content of the formula...

52 pages (9200 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Effect Of Processing Treatments On The Anti Nutritional Factors In Soyabean Flour


One hundred and twenty five (125) different soyabean flour samples were prepared using different processing treatments viz; steaming, roasting, sprouting, boiling and their combinations...

70 pages (10420 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Evaluation Of Deep Fried Snail (Archachaline Marginata) Meat Pre-Dusted With Flour And Breading


Snail meat were dusted using the following methods breading, Batter — breading, Flour predust - batter -- flour before deep fat frying. The effect of dusting preparations were evaluated on...

42 pages (7507 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Flavouring Leaves: Nchuanwu (Ocimum Gratissimum Onigbu Vernonia Amydalina, Uziza Piper Guineensis And Utazi (Gongrinema Vatifolia On Protein Content And Microbial Load Of Dried And Smoked Catfish Clarias And Tilapia Cichilids During Storage


Four flavouring leaves: Utazi (Gongronema vatitolia), Uziza (piper uiiieeiisis), Onugbo (vemonia amydalina and Nchuanwu (ocimum gratissimum) were sliced and spread cover the top and bottom...

47 pages (10579 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Development And Evaluation Of Cassava- Groundnut Bars Using Corn Starch As Binder A Response Surface Analysis


Cookie bars were produced from mixtures of cassava and groundnut flours with corn starch as binder. Box — Behnken response surface design for K = 3 was used to study the effects of the...

163 pages (28500 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Fortification With Vitamin A On The Shelf Life Of Flour, Sugar And Groundnut Oil


Flour, Sugar and Groundnut oil were fortified with a natural source of Vitamin A (Palm oil) and an artificial source of Vitamin A (capsules) at different concentration levels of 0, 250,...

69 pages (13312 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Effect Of Modified Starches On The Rheological And Baking Properties Of Wheat/Maize, Wheat/Millet Composite Flours For Biscuit Production


The effect of modified starches on the baking properties of composite (wheat- maize, wheat-millet) flours was investigated. Starches were produced from sorghum, maize, and cassava. The...

65 pages (12705 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effects Of Chemical Preservatives On Storage Of Corn Flour


Corn flour samples were treated with sodium benzoate (0.1% and 0.05%), sodium metabisulphite (250ppm and 125ppm), ascorbic acid (75ppm and 35ppm) and sodium chloride (10% and 5%) and the...

52 pages (8556 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Controlled Sun-Drying Of Some Selected Fruits And Vegetables


This work compared the drying efficacy and product quality of fruits (Banana, pawpaw, pineapple) and vegetables (Okra, tomatoes, pepper) dried using the cabinet dryer and sun. Drying times...

55 pages (10819 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Production And Evaluation Of Egusi (Colocynthis Citrullus L.) Cheese.


Egusi (Colocynthis citrullus L.) cheese was produced and evaluated. Cheddar cheese was used to substitute the egusi cheese at 25% and 50% levels. The  products were chemically and...

62 pages (11653 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect of Different Treatments On The Shelf Life Of Tropical Fruit Juices


Different preservation treatments were employed to observe the storage effect on orange, paw-paw and pineape juices. Sodium Benzoate, Sodium metabisuiphite and vegetable preservatives...

62 pages (8810 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Preparation On The Physical Structure, Water Uptake, Starch And Cyanide Content Of "IGHU"


Ighu samples were collected from three locations (Isochi and Lokpa, Ahia State; Ugwuoba in (Enugu State). The physical, and sensory characteristics, water uptake, starch and cyanide...

51 pages (7864 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Sprouting On The Chemical And Functional Properties Of Flour From Yam Tuber Varieties


Four-yam species namely D. alata, D. rotundata, D. dumentorum and D. cayenesis were stored for 64 days and allowed to sprout for 14 days. The unsprouted and sprouted tubers were dried and...

50 pages (9744 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Studies On The Potentials Of Different Combinations Of Lactic Acid Bacteria As Yoghurt Starters


The possibility of producing yoghurt from different combinations of lactic acid bacteria was explored in this research. The starter cultures were isolated from fermenting cabbage and milk....

49 pages (6882 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Effect Of Fungal Fermentation On Protein Level Of Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz)


Fermentation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) mash with some microbial cultures WSS carried out to determine tne effects of two fungal cultures on the protein and HON contents after...

40 pages (6788 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Physicochemical And Sensory Evaluation Of Mixture Of Ighu And Soy Flours


Mixtures of full-fat soy flour and ighu and soy okara flour and ighu were produced in the range of 25-75% soy product incorporation. Proximate, functional and sensory properties of the...

44 pages (7436 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Bacteriological Examination Of Water Sources In And Around


A total of 6 water samples namely male hostel tank borehole, female hostel tank borehole, stréamwàter, Onuine, Vinel, and Lunar sachet water samples were collected from the University...

54 pages (9301 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Nutrient Composition And Types Of Sugars In Cocoyamsu


Corms and cormels of cocoyams (Colocasia esculenta cv. Cocomdia and Xanthosoma sagithfolium cv, Ede ocha) were each milled into flour. The flours were subjected to proximate analysis ,...

65 pages (12513 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Palm Oil Addition On The Cyanide Content Of Gari


Gari, a product from cassava is widely consumed in many West African countries especially Nigeria, is known to contain toxic a compound which is detrimental to the health of the consumer....

44 pages (8144 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Domestic Processino On The Levels Of Certain Anti-Nutritive Factors And Nutritive Value Of Picieon Yea (Cafajius Cafan) Products


The cithers of soik in and cool iin on levels of certain ant iniitricnts in the flour of ('a/anus ca/an ere evaluated. Soaking gave the least reducing effoct of Irypsin inhibitors...

75 pages (17252 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Particle Size On The Functional And Sensory Properties Of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolour (L) Moench) And Millet (Pennisetum Amercanum (L) Leeke) Flours


Sorghum and millet were processed into flours of different particle sizes.The functional properties (bulk density, water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity, solubility and...

57 pages (10420 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Selected Salts On Cooking Time Of Some Legumes (African Yam Bean & Cowpea)


The effect of selected salt on the cooking time and protein content of African Yarn Bean and Cowpea were investigated at different salt concentration. Legumes were boiled with these salts...

46 pages (9377 words) · Projects · 3 years ago
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