The aim of this research study "the effect of oral administration of inethanolic
leafs of tectona-grandis on antioxidants enzymes of normal and immune-
compromised rats" is to investigate and...
This research is based on the toxicity of Driniiopis Bateri-Bak, a bulbous flowering
plant that is believed to be toxic to humans when ingested. It is aimed at chccking
the concentration and...
Potable (treated) water samples collected from selected boreholes in Oyigbo LGA in river state.
The drinking waters were analyzed for Heavy at Port Harcourt Refining company (a subsidiary
The effect of feeding Garcina kola on Wister albino rats was investigated in this
study. The experiment lasted for 2months. The animals were randomly assigned
into five ventilated cages...
The effect of 50mg/kg and 100mg/kg of saponin extract of Vernonici
amygdalina. On glucose level lipid profile, relative organ weight and normal
weight of the albino rats were studied. The...
Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite (PlasmociiuinJicipaium) that lives part
of its tile in humans and part in mosquitoes and it remains one of the major killers
of humans worldwide,...
Fetch cyanoe,enic potential of processed and unprocessed roots of two new cassava cultivars TME 41 9 and TMS 98/0505 was studied using spectrophotometric and enzymatic iiietliods. Partial...
The eyanogenic, potential of processed and unprocessed roots of two new cassava cultivars TME 41 9 and TMS 98/0505 was studied using spectrophotometric and enzymatic methods. Partial...
The effects of some processing methods on the malonaldehyde (MDA) content of some selected legumes and cereals were investigated. The unprocessed legumes had varying concentrations of MDA...
Rauwolfia vomitoria is a natural medicinal herb which has been used over the years for the treatment of various diseases including hypertension, insomnia, mental disorder and high blood...