The Effect Of Storage On The Antioxidant Content Of Some Indigenous Fruits

IBE DABERECHII DIALA | 86 pages (18451 words) | Projects


The effect of storage on the antioxidant level of some indigenous fruits [Chrysophyllum albidum (Star apple), Dialiurn guineense (Black velvet), Denneulia tripelala (Pepper fruit) •0 and Canarium schweinfurthii (Purple canary)] was investigated. Matured fruits were stored at room temperature (27°c) and refrigerated temperature (4°c). The antioxidants (Anthocyanin, Fiavonoids, Ascorbic acid and f3 —Carotene) were measured (day0, 1, 3, 5 and 7) following fruit harvest. Anthocyanin, Flavonoids, Ascorbic acid and ft-Carotene content ranged between (0.667±0.014g/100g — 2.414±0.855g/100g; 0.671±O.0O8g/100g — 2.740±0.060g/100g; 29.04±0.054mg/i 00g— 81.74±0.100mg/i 00g and i48±0.002tg/100g — 2318±0.020ig/100g) respectively in the fruits studied on day0. During storage period, optimum value reached for Anthocyanin were (i.333±0.667g/lo0g and 1.333± 0.667g1100g) on day3 at room temperature and dayS at refrigerated temperature in C. albidum, (3.183±1.383g1100g and 3.450±1.050g/100g) in D. guineense on day3 at both temperatures, (2.093±0.610g/loog and l.200±0.160g!lOog) in D. uripetalu on day3 at room temperature and refrigerated temperature respectively, (1.953±0.378g/loog and l.407±0.110g/100g) in C. schweinjurihii on day2 at room temperature and in refrigerated temperature respectively. Flavonoids in C. albidum reached a peak value (l.340±0.o08gllOog) on dayS at room temperature and 1.000± 0.333g/l0og on day7 at refrigerated temperature. D. guineense had flavonoids (2.700±1.709g/lOOg and 2.60O±0.173g/lo0g) on day3 at room and refrigerated temperature respectively. D. tripetala flavonoid was (1.433±0.890g/ioog and i.460±0.080g/loog) on day3 at room and refrigerated temperature respectively. C. Schweinfurihii flavonoid was (3.080± 0.832g/loOg and 2.740±0.060g/loog) on day3 and dayl at room and refrigerated temperature respectively. Ascorbic acid content peaked on dayO (69.26±0.012mg/lOOg and 29.04± 0.058mg/bOg) at both temperature in C. albidum and C. Schweinfurthii respectively. Iii D. guineense ascorbic acid was 108.78±0.058mg/lOOg and 102.46± 0.058mg/lOOg at room and refrigerated temperature on day5 respectively. D. iripetala ascorbic acid was (79.20±0.020 and 102. 67±0.200)mg/lOOg at room and refrigerated temperature on day5 and day7 respectively. 3-carotene value peaked on day7 (177±0.002 and 293±0.003)tgIl 00g at room temperature and refrigerated temperature in C. albidum, 1565±0.004tgI100g in D. guineense on day0 at both temperatures, 693±0.002tg/l00g and 868±0.00lj.ig/100g on day0 room temperature and day7 refrigerated temperature respectively in D. tripetala, 3938±0.010tgI100g and 3815±0.015gI100g in C. Sehweinfurthii on dayl at room and refrigerated temperature respectively. This finding indicates that storage at room temperature and an optimum storage period of 5 days best preserved the antioxidant contents of the fruits studied.

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IBE, D (2021). The Effect Of Storage On The Antioxidant Content Of Some Indigenous Fruits . Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from

MLA 8th

DIALA, IBE. "The Effect Of Storage On The Antioxidant Content Of Some Indigenous Fruits ", 28 Jun. 2021, Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.


DIALA, IBE. "The Effect Of Storage On The Antioxidant Content Of Some Indigenous Fruits ".,, 28 Jun. 2021. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < >.


DIALA, IBE. "The Effect Of Storage On The Antioxidant Content Of Some Indigenous Fruits " (2021). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.

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