Domestic Solid Waste Management Practices For Family Income Generation In Ikwuano Local Government Area Of Abia State :- Nmaju, Nancy N

NANCY NKECHINYERE | 90 pages (23698 words) | Projects
Hotel Management and Tourism | Co Authors: NMAJU


 This study was carried out to determine the domestic solid waste management practices for family income generation in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State. The findings of this study revealed that majority ofthe respondents were female 43(61.4%), 31(44.3%) were the >51 years old. 61(87.1%) were Christians, 37(52.9%) were married, 43(61.4%) were not the head of their xarious families. 22(31.4%) had 7-9 household sizes, 16(22.9%) had 4-6 females 32(45.7%) attained tertiary as their highest level of education, 29(41.4%) were traders, 35(50.0%) had monthly income ranging from N51,000 - 100,000. Mean scores of domestic solid waste generated across homes ranged from 2.02 -4.24, identified domestic solid wastes generated in the study area were organics, plastics/rubber, paper/cardboard, metals, textiles and inert materials, daily mean scores ofthe quantities and compositions ofdomestic solid waste ranged from 0.99 -4.52, weekly responses ranged from 0.80 - 3.31 with organics, inert materials, paper/cardboard, metals having the highest daily values of 4.52, 3.89, 2.93, 2.87 respectively while monthly responses of the quantity and compositions of domestic solid wastes generated ranged from 0.93 - 3.50 with inert materials, organics paper/cardboard having higher values of 3.31, 3.21 and 3.06 respectively. Mean responses ofthe various domestic solid waste management strategies commonly adopted by households ranging from 1.11 - 4.67, with dumping in receptacles, open burning and open dumping having greater values of 4.67, 4.43 and 4.35 respectively. The mean responses of the contributions of domestic solid waste management practices towards family income generation ranged from 2.84 - 4.16 with adoption of domestic solid waste management (DSWM) for family income generation promotes income status of the household, adoption of domestic solid waste management (DSWM) for family income generation influence income-enable support for clothes purchases, adoption of domestic solid waste management (DSWM) for family income generation influence income-enable support for shelter and Adoption of domestic solid waste management (DSWM) for family income generation serve as engine for household economic recovery, growth and creation ofjobs having greater values of4.16, 4.10, 3.51 and 3.51 respectively. The correlation results showed that a correlation coefficient of 0.059 and significant difference of 0.629. Means scores of the factors influencing the adoption of various domestic solid waste management practices ranged from 2.60 - 4.12 with training/social/policy framework, Source of generation and income having higher values of 4.12, 3.99 and 3.50 respectively. The mean scores of the constraints facing domestic solid waste management practices for family income generation ranged from 2.13 - 4.30 with inappropriate technology, low public participation, uncoordinated institutional functions and politics having higher values of 4.30, 4.27, 4.17 and 4.06 respectively. Conclusively, technological adoption, waste characterization and reduction, good institutional framework, co-operation and social cohesion as well as effective investment recorded higher values of4.30, 4.27, 4.06, 3.71 and 3.66

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NANCY, N (2024). Domestic Solid Waste Management Practices For Family Income Generation In Ikwuano Local Government Area Of Abia State :- Nmaju, Nancy N. Retrieved Feb 23, 2025, from

MLA 8th

NKECHINYERE, NANCY. "Domestic Solid Waste Management Practices For Family Income Generation In Ikwuano Local Government Area Of Abia State :- Nmaju, Nancy N", 25 Nov. 2024, Accessed 23 Feb. 2025.


NKECHINYERE, NANCY. "Domestic Solid Waste Management Practices For Family Income Generation In Ikwuano Local Government Area Of Abia State :- Nmaju, Nancy N".,, 25 Nov. 2024. Web. 23 Feb. 2025. < >.


NKECHINYERE, NANCY. "Domestic Solid Waste Management Practices For Family Income Generation In Ikwuano Local Government Area Of Abia State :- Nmaju, Nancy N" (2024). Accessed 23 Feb. 2025.

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