This research project on the water quality and
potability of two streams of Anya (lkwuano) and I hie stream (Umuahia south),
was carried out from June to August 2013. All the water used for sampling was
collected using plastic containers at various locations at 2-3 metre depths in
the sites from the two sample locations. The samples collected were kept in the
containers at a low temperature of 4C with ice cubes to avoid changes in
concentration of the water samples taken to the laboratory for analysis of
biological, chemical, and physical features. Water temperature ("©) was
measured in-situ using dry bulb mercury-in-glass thermometer. Transparency (cm)
was measured in-situ using Secchi disk. pH was measured in-situ using Hach pH
meter(model EC I 0). Total Alkalinity was determined using titrating water
sample with HCI and phenolphthalein as indicator. Total hardness (mg/l) was
measured using complexometric method. Phosphate (mg/!) was measured using
molybdate spectrophotometric method. Nitrate (mg/l) was determined using
cadmium reduction method. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was determined using
Azide modification method .Dissolved oxygen was also measured in-situ using
Hach DO meter (model DO I 75). The numbers of Coliform were estimated using
multiple tube fermentation technique. All analysis were in accordance with
Eaton and Franson (2005), APHA (1985), WHO (2004), and Fresenius (1988).
Physical properties; Transparency (cm). overall (June-August) measurement was
3.38±0.20 in Anya stream and 3.59±0.173 in lhie stream at at-value of -3.87,
significant at 1% level. Temperature (c), overall measurement was 26.408±0.220
in Anya stream and 26.485±0.249 in !hie stream at at-value of 0.582 with no
significant level. Chemical properties include pH with an overall measurement'
of 6.987±0.114 in Anya stream and 7.076±0.117 in lhie stream at a t-value of
-5.129,significant at 1% level .Total hardness(mg/l) had an overall measurement
of 36.765±0.820 in Anya stream and 34.712±0.786 in lhie stream at a t-value ofl
0.0 18.significant 1% level. DO (mg/I) had an overall measurement of
5.654±0.173 in Anya stream and 5.903±0.154 in [hie stream at a t-value of -5.81
0, significant at 1% level. Total Alkalinity (mg/l), the overall measurement
was 77.298±0.862 in Ihie Anya stream and 78.428±0.887 in !hie stream at
at-value of -16.321, at significant 1% level. Phosphate (mg/l), the overall
meagyrement was 3.048±0.267 in Anya stream and 3.862±0.1 62 in lhie stream at a
t-value of J.632 with no level of significant. Nitrate (mg/l), the overall
measurement was 4,461±0.238 in Anya stream and 4. 125±40.216 at a tvalue of
7.272, significant at' 1% level. The biological feature (microbial count) had
an overall measurement (June-August) of 4,141666667 x 10"=2.548E7 in Anya
stream and 3.845333333x 10±2.234E7 in lhie, at a t-value of 2.200, significant
at 5% level. Microbial analysis revealed the presence of micro-organisms such
as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella ryphi, Vibro spp,
Staphylococcus aureus, Basillus subbis and Proteus spp. The concentrations of
physicochemical properties were observed to be higher in lhie stream than in
Anya stream with mean value of 7.686±2.591 and 17.576±2.608 respectively. The
presence of micro-organism was observed to be higher in Anya stream than lhie
stream. These should be an effective health education programme for the communities
to enlighten them on the effect of drinking contaminated water for human
AKWUE, A (2023). Water Quality And Potability Of Anya And !hie Streams both of lkwuano and Umuahia South Local Government Areas Of Abia State, Nigeria. Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 15, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/water-quality-and-potability-of-anya-and-hie-streams-both-of-lkwuano-and-umuahia-south-local-government-areas-of-abia-state-nigeria-7-2
AKWUE, AKWUE. "Water Quality And Potability Of Anya And !hie Streams both of lkwuano and Umuahia South Local Government Areas Of Abia State, Nigeria" Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 15 Sep. 2023, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/water-quality-and-potability-of-anya-and-hie-streams-both-of-lkwuano-and-umuahia-south-local-government-areas-of-abia-state-nigeria-7-2. Accessed 15 Mar. 2025.
AKWUE, AKWUE. "Water Quality And Potability Of Anya And !hie Streams both of lkwuano and Umuahia South Local Government Areas Of Abia State, Nigeria". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 15 Sep. 2023. Web. 15 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/water-quality-and-potability-of-anya-and-hie-streams-both-of-lkwuano-and-umuahia-south-local-government-areas-of-abia-state-nigeria-7-2 >.
AKWUE, AKWUE. "Water Quality And Potability Of Anya And !hie Streams both of lkwuano and Umuahia South Local Government Areas Of Abia State, Nigeria" Mouau.afribary.org (2023). Accessed 15 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/water-quality-and-potability-of-anya-and-hie-streams-both-of-lkwuano-and-umuahia-south-local-government-areas-of-abia-state-nigeria-7-2