The shelf life and microbial quality of fresh pap (ogi) was investigated.Three (3) ogi samples (A, B, C) representing white, yellow and red (guinea corn) under different storage conditions: Changing the water (1), dry storage (2) and without changing of water (3). Four (4) genera of bacteria; Lactobacilus species, Bacillus species, Streptococcus species, Escherichia species and Pseudomonas species were isolated. The fungal isolates were Rhizopus species, Aspergillus species, Saccharomyces species and Fusarum species. For the total viable count the least count was obtained from ogi 1 sample A with 3.2×106 Cfu/ml on day 0 while the highest count was ogi 1 sample C with 7.8×106 Cfu/ml on day 8. For the total coliform count, the least count was 3.2×105 Cfu/ml was recorded against ogi 1A, 2A and 3A for day 0, the highest count was 6.2×105Cfu/ml for ogi 1B on day 8. For the total fungal count, the least count was 3.1×105Cfu/ml from sample 1A on day 0, while the highest was 5.4×105Cfu/ml by sample 1C on day 8. The ogi samples whose water was changed on daily basis have the best result as far as organoleptic properties and shelf life study was concerned. The colour and flavor remain normal on the 4th day for ogi 1A, while for ogi 1B and C, they were normal on the second day, ogi 3A,B,C changed colour and flavor after the 1st day. The result of this study shows that changing water ogi is the best natural method of preservation of ogi. The result of the organoleptic properties/shelf life study showed that changing the water of ogi is still the best natural method of storing for use in the home.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of contents v
List of tables’ vii
Abstract viii
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Objectives of the Study 2
2.1 Maize 3
2.2 Structure and Physiology 4
2.3 Worldwide Maize Production 5
2.4 Medicinal Uses of Maize. 6
2.4.1 Gonorrhea treatment 6
2.4.2 Treatment of UTI 6
2.4.3 Treatment of Malaria and Fever 6
2.4.4 Traditional Medicine 7
2.5 Guinea Corn. 7
2.5.1 Nutritional Value of Guinea Corn 8
2.5.2 Therapeutic Benefits of Guinea Corn 9
2.5.3 Rich in Calories and Macronutrients 9
2.6 Ogi (Akamu) 9
2.6.1 The Fermentation Process 11
2.6.2 Microorganisms Associated With Ogi 12
2.6.3 Physical Properties of Ogi 13
2.6.4 Nutritional Values of Ogi 14
3.1 Materials and Methods 16
3.2 Media Used 17
3.3 Isolation of Bacteria and Fungi 17
3.4 Identification of Isolates 18
3.5 Gram Staining 18
3.6 Biochemical Tests 18
3.6.1 Catalase 18
3.6.2 Coagulase Test 19
3.6.3 Sugar test 19
4.1 Results 20
5.1 Discussion 29
5.2 Conclusion 30
5.3 Recommendation 30
1. Total Viable count of Ogi Samples on Nutrient agar during storage period 21
2. Total Coliform count of Ogi Samples on Mac Conkey agar during storage period 22
3. Total Fungal counts of Ogi Samples on Sabouraud Dextrose agar during the storage period 23
4. Characterization and Identification of bacterial Isolates 24
5. Morphological Characteristics of Fungal Isolates 25
6. Organoleptic properties/Shelf life study of ogi samples whose water was changed on a daily basis 26
7. Organoleptic properties/Shelf Life Study Of Ogi Samples Which Were Kept Dry On Cotton Cloth (Sieve) 27
8. Shelf life study of ogi samples whose water was not changed 28
MARVELLOUS, M (2020). THE SHELF LIFE AND MICROBIAL QUALITY OF PAP (OGI). Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-shelf-life-and-microbial-quality-of-pap-ogi
MOUAU/10/16001, MARVELLOUS. "THE SHELF LIFE AND MICROBIAL QUALITY OF PAP (OGI)" Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 17 Apr. 2020, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-shelf-life-and-microbial-quality-of-pap-ogi. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
MOUAU/10/16001, MARVELLOUS. "THE SHELF LIFE AND MICROBIAL QUALITY OF PAP (OGI)". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 17 Apr. 2020. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-shelf-life-and-microbial-quality-of-pap-ogi >.
MOUAU/10/16001, MARVELLOUS. "THE SHELF LIFE AND MICROBIAL QUALITY OF PAP (OGI)" Mouau.afribary.org (2020). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-shelf-life-and-microbial-quality-of-pap-ogi