This work titled "The impact of cost control and reduction techniques on firm's performance" is wholly anchored on the technical approaches to be adopted in the reduction and control of operating cost in order to enhance firms performance via measurement of profitability. Due to high level of competition between firms and individuals in the capitalist economy, most firms employ cost control and reduction techniques in order to dominate the market and achieve their business objectives. This was what prompted the researcher to go into this area of study. The main objectives stated for this study are: to determine the kind of relationship that exists between cost and profitability of manufacturing firms; to determine how proper cost control and reduction technique affects firm's performance. The researcher selected
134 staff as the population size of the study and the sample size was determined through tbe use of Taro yarnani formular assuming a 5% degree of error and this reduced the population size to I 00 which then represents the sample size. Data were collected through primary and secondary source. The primary data used in this work were collected using questionnaire, personal interview and observations and secondary data used was the five years financial summaries of OK company. The first hypothesis was tested using the pearson product moment correlation coefficient while the second and third hypothesis were being tested with chi-square technique. After the analysis, the researcher find out that there is a perfect negative and significant relationship between cost and profitability of a firm this is because increase in cost leads to decrease in profit. And also that to a great extent performance of firms depend on cost reduction and control as excess cost will lead to poor performance and or eventual close down of the business this led the researcher to recommend the following: that management needs to be more vigilant and re-position the firm if the line of business can render the cost reduction and control exercise a futile attempt and also that management should give a restricted definition to waste by looking for other processes where it will be useful in order to increase the value of the firm and reduce cost.
Title page
Project Assessment ..
Declaration Ill
Dedication v
Acknowledgement VI
Table ef content Vil
List of table VIII
Abstract IX
I.I Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problems
1.2. I Resea'rch question
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Research hypotheses
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Limitations of the study
J. 7 Significance of the study
1.8 Definitions of operational terms
2. . Preambles 14
2.1.2 Add or drop decision
Make or buy decision 15
2.2 The concept of cost behaviour 16
2.3 Cost control and cost reduction differentiated 18
2.4 The concept of cost control 19
2.5 Techniques for achieving cost control 20
2.5.1 Standard costing 20
2.5.2 Cost control through variance analysis . 23
2.5.3 Cost control through budgeting 26
2.5.4 Cosl control through manufacturing system
2.6 Techniques of costing
2.6.1 Absorption costing
2.6.2 Marginal costing techniques
2.7 The concept of cost reduction
2.7.1 Cost reduction techniques
2. 7. I.1 Variety reduction
2. 7. 1.2 Value analysis \york study
2. 7. l.4 System analysis
2. 7.1.5 Organization and method 28
2. 7. 1.6 Activity management
2.7.2 Cost reduction strategics 40
2.7.3 A nine-steps for cost reduction 41
2.8 Inventory management and control 43
2.8. I Inventory related costs 44
·2.8.2 Techniques of inventory management 45
2.9 Debt management and control 49
2.9.1 Objectives of debts/credit policy 50
2.9.2 Cost of allowing credit 51
2.9.3 Techniques of debt management 52
2. 10. The concept of performance 54
2.10.1 Profitability measure of performance 54
2.10.2 Sales volume as a mechanism for performance assessment 56
2.10.3 improvement of workers performance 57
Introduction 59
Research design 59
Study of population and sample size 60
3.4 -Data collection and instruments 61
3.4.1 Primary sources of data 61
3.4.2 Secondary data source 62
3.5 Procedures for data collection/research Instruments 62
3.6 Validity of the instrument 64
3. 7 Reliability of the instrument 65
3.8 Statistical methods for data presentation, testing of hypotheses and data analysis
3.8.1 The Pearson product moment correlation coefficient 67
3.8.2 · Chi-square technique: 68
4.0 Introduction 70
4. I Data presentation, analysis and interpretation 70
4.2 Hypothesis testing 79
4.3 Discussion of findings 88
5.1 Summary of findings 9 I
5.2 Conclusion from the study 93
.3 Recommendations 94
Appendix 1: Questionnari
Appendix 2: Table of value
A. Chi-square table
B. Correlation table
OKWARA, 0 (2020). THE IMPACT OF COST CONTROL AND COST REDUCTION TECHNIQUES ON FIRM'S PERFORMANCE (A CASE STUDY OF O.K. MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED). Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 14, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-impact-of-cost-control-and-cost-reduction-techniques-on-firm-s-performance-a-case-study-of-o-k-manufacturing-company-limited
05/5324, OKWARA. "THE IMPACT OF COST CONTROL AND COST REDUCTION TECHNIQUES ON FIRM'S PERFORMANCE (A CASE STUDY OF O.K. MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED)" Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 26 Mar. 2020, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-impact-of-cost-control-and-cost-reduction-techniques-on-firm-s-performance-a-case-study-of-o-k-manufacturing-company-limited. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.
05/5324, OKWARA. "THE IMPACT OF COST CONTROL AND COST REDUCTION TECHNIQUES ON FIRM'S PERFORMANCE (A CASE STUDY OF O.K. MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED)". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 26 Mar. 2020. Web. 14 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-impact-of-cost-control-and-cost-reduction-techniques-on-firm-s-performance-a-case-study-of-o-k-manufacturing-company-limited >.
05/5324, OKWARA. "THE IMPACT OF COST CONTROL AND COST REDUCTION TECHNIQUES ON FIRM'S PERFORMANCE (A CASE STUDY OF O.K. MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED)" Mouau.afribary.org (2020). Accessed 14 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-impact-of-cost-control-and-cost-reduction-techniques-on-firm-s-performance-a-case-study-of-o-k-manufacturing-company-limited