Flie study evaluated the extent of the inipact of monetary policy instruments on credit
and Agribusiness output in Nigeria from 1970 2005.This was t)O1ile Out of the fact that
(here has been a steady decliiic iii the output of the Agribusiness sub-sector, even as
credit has been ideiitihed as one of the major problems limiting Agribusiness
oulptil( VlI))clfll,20() 1 ),even 1S iiioiietary 1)01 1C adopted were characterized by increased
cre(lit al local ion to Agril)uSineSS. the Output has reina med l)oor. Ihe objective includes,
eva Itiat lug the relationsli ip between monetary policy variables and the quantity of credit
suppi ied by batiks to Agribusiness, analyzing the impact of credit on Agribusiness
output and evaluating the structure and trend of loan granted for specific Agribusiness
sub-sector. Secondary data was used and was analyzed by the use of descriptive
statistics and econometric approach. Time series data was collected on loan granted to
C0l) and fisheries sub-sectors of Agribusiness. The result showed that loan granted for
lie sub-sectors fluctuated, and also more credit was granted to crop sub-sector. This
fluctuation implies that less f'uncl was available to loan for investment. Econometric
model was used to analyze, the relationship between credit supply and monetary policy
and Agribusiness output and its determinants.The result revealed that monetary policy
instruments: prescribed sectoral credit allocation and interest rate of' lending to
:\grilnisiiicss have a positive efThei on credit supply while reserve requirement and the
rat it) 0 ii lerest rate to /\grmbusmncss to that of co iiniierce were negatively related to
credit, at all 1% probability level. The result of the analysis on aggregate agribusiness
()LI ll)t1I and its sub-seciora I output reveals that credit supply to Agribusi iless, exchange
rate, lending rate to Agribusiness, reserve requirements Government capital expenditure
on Agribusiness research and development, producers price, lagged output and weather
condition (rain fall) were all important determinants of' Agribusiness output; either at
I %, 5% 10% probability level. From the above findings, recommendations were macic
\\llicll include. nionetaly authorities should ensure strict compliance to monetary
directives. prescribed sectoral allocation to agribusiness sector should be increased to
ensure adequate credit supply to agribusiness sector. Lending rate condition should be
designed to suit the stat us of Agribusiness operators. This research work was segmented
into 5 chapters. Chapter 1, introduced and defined, the objective, statement of the
problem, and scope of the research. Chapter 2 tried to review related literature. In
chapter 3. the research methodology waS defined while the data were presented,
ana kzed and result discussed in chapter 4. 'l'lie summary of linuings. cone lusion and
reconiiiicmitlaliomi were mirade iii chapter 5.
ONYIKE, C (2021). The Effect Of The Impact Of Selected Monetary Policy Instruments On Credit And Output Of Agric Business Sector Of The Nigerian Economy (1970 – 2005) . Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-the-impact-of-selected-monetary-policy-instruments-on-credit-and-output-of-agric-business-sector-of-the-nigerian-economy-1970-2005-7-2
CHIKEZIE, ONYIKE. "The Effect Of The Impact Of Selected Monetary Policy Instruments On Credit And Output Of Agric Business Sector Of The Nigerian Economy (1970 – 2005) " Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 07 Jun. 2021, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-the-impact-of-selected-monetary-policy-instruments-on-credit-and-output-of-agric-business-sector-of-the-nigerian-economy-1970-2005-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
CHIKEZIE, ONYIKE. "The Effect Of The Impact Of Selected Monetary Policy Instruments On Credit And Output Of Agric Business Sector Of The Nigerian Economy (1970 – 2005) ". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 07 Jun. 2021. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-the-impact-of-selected-monetary-policy-instruments-on-credit-and-output-of-agric-business-sector-of-the-nigerian-economy-1970-2005-7-2 >.
CHIKEZIE, ONYIKE. "The Effect Of The Impact Of Selected Monetary Policy Instruments On Credit And Output Of Agric Business Sector Of The Nigerian Economy (1970 – 2005) " Mouau.afribary.org (2021). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-the-impact-of-selected-monetary-policy-instruments-on-credit-and-output-of-agric-business-sector-of-the-nigerian-economy-1970-2005-7-2