Field experiments were
carried out to study the effect of tillage method on soil organic matter on
yield of maize under rain-fed conditions on a sandy loam soil of Michael Okpara
University Of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria. The field was divided into four
blocks, in which each block was assigned to four tillage treatments; ploughing
alone (P) , harrowing alone, (H), ploghing and harrowing alone, (PH) and
no-tillage (NT). The four tillage treatments were randomly distributed
according to split plot arrangement with randomized complete block design. The
rainfall and temperature data were collected from National Root Crops Research
Institute, Umudike meteorological station. The result of these experiment were
subjected to statistical analysis using the ANOV A Model. Soil moisture content
was higher with a corresponding average values of23.4% in ploughing alone (P)
and harrowing alone with least corresponding average values of 6.0% compared
with other tillage treatment. Generally, for all the parameters determined from
soil analysis except bulk density and porosity, was not significance at 0.05
level of confidence due to tillage treatments. Soil tilled two times (ploughing
and harrowing alone, PH) produced significanty higher yield than other tillage
treatment. Fresh and dry weights of maize were not significantly affected by
different treatment combinations. In general, result shows that the tillage
effect leads to an increase in soil fertility, free air circulation in the soil
and moisture retention capacity for maize growth. Following these observation,
disc ploughing alone is most recommended for Umudike soil following by disc
harrowing alone.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract V
Table of content VI
List of table vu
List of figure viii
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of problem 2
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Scope and limitations 3
1.5 Justification 3
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Tillage systems: definition, concept and challenges.
2.2 Types of tillage system
2.2.1 Traditional tillage system.
2.2.2 Zero tillage system
2.2.3 Minimum tillage system
2.2.4 Conventional tillage system
2.2.5 Conservation tillage system.
2.3.0 Objectives of tillage
2.4.1 Soil properties Some physical properties of soil Bulle density. Porosity Soil moisture content
2.4.2 Some chemical properties of soil Soil pH Nitrogen Organic carbon content
2.5.1 Maize as a crop Origin and description Varieties/ cultivars of maize Pest of maize and its control Disease of maize , symptoms and its control Sowing Weeding Harvesting The users. Climatic and soil requirements. Fertilizer or man urerin g requirement.
3.0 Materials and methods
3.1 Description of the project site.
3.2 Experimental design and tillage treatment
3.2.1 Field layout
3 .3 Soil sampling and preparation
3.4 Analytical procedure/ methods
3.5 Sample preparation for analysis
3.6.1 Physical properties determination Particle size analysis by the hydrometer method Bulle density Porosity Moisture content
3.6.2 Chemical properties detennina tion Soil pH Organic carbon content Nitrogen content
3.7.1 Data collection of maize plant growth and yield parameters. Seedling establishment Plant Height Stem girth Number of leaves Fresh weight Dry weight
3.8.1 Treatments Manure treatment Planting Weed control Control of pest and diseases. Harvesting
3.9.1 Rainfall and temperature data
3.9.2 Data analysis and interpretation.
4.0 Result and Discussion
4.1 Some physical and chemical properties of the experimental plot
4.1.2 Bulk density
4.1.3 Porosity
4.1.4 Moisture content
4.1.5 Soil pH
4.1.6 Organic carbon content
4.1.7 Nitrogen content
4.2 Data collection of maize plant growth yield parameters
4.2.1 Seedlings establishment 42
4.2.2 Plant Height 43
4.2.3 Stem girth of maize plant 44
4.2.4 Number of leaves 45
4.2.5 Fresh weight of maize plant 45
4.2.6 Dry weight bases 46
4.3 Rainfall and temperature 47
4.4 General analysis. 48
5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation 70
5.1 Conclusion 70 :
5.2 Recommendation 71
References 72 ~
Table 4.1a : particle size distribution of the soil of the experiment plot. 37
Table 4.1b: Data obtained for particle size from RCBD 53
Table 4.1c: ANOV A table for particle size from RCBD 54
Table 4.2a: Effect of tillage method on soil organic matter and maize yield 38
grown under rain fed condition on bulk density (g/cm).
Table 4.2b: Data obtained for Bulle Density from RCBD 54
Table 4.2e: ANOV A table for Bulk Density from RCBD 55
Table 4.3a: Effect of tillage method on soil organic matter and maize yield 39
grown under rain-fed condition on porosity(%).
Table 4.3b: Data Obtained for Porosity from RCBD 55
Table 4.3c: ANOV A table for Porosity from RCBD 56
Table 4.4a Effect of tillage method on soil organic matter and maize field 40 4
grown under rain-fed condition on moisture content(%).
s Table 4.4b: Data Obtained for Moisture Content from RCBD 56 ' .
Table 4.4c: ANOV A table for Moisture Content from RCBD 57
Table 4.5a: Effect of tillage method on soil organic matter and maize yield 40
grown under rain-fed condition on soil pH(%).
Table 4.5b:
Table 4.5c:
Data Obtained for Soil pH from RCBD
ANOV A table for Soil pH from RCBD
Table 4.6a: Effect of tillage method on soil organic matter and maize yield 41
grown under rain-fed condition on organic carbon content(%).
Table 4.6b: Data Obtained Organic Carbon Content from RCBD 58
Table 4.6c: ANOV A table for Organic Carbon Content from RCBD 59
Table 4.7a: Effect of tillage on soil organic matter and maize yield grown 42
under rain-fed condition on nitrogen content(%).
Table 4.7b: Data Obtained for Nitrogen Content from RCBD 59
Table 4.7e: ANOVA table for Nitrogen Content from RCBD 69
Table 4.8a: Effect of tillage method on soil organic matter and maize yield 43
grown under rain fed condition with seedling establishment of
Table 4.8b: Data Obtained for Seedlings Establishment from RCBD
Table 4.8c: ANOV A table for Seedling Establishment from RCBD
Table 4.9a: Effect of tillage method on soil organic matter and maize yield 43
grown under rain-fed condition with plant height (cm)
at 2, 6, 10, 14
Table 4.9b: Data Obtained for Plant Height from RCBD
Table 4.9c: ANOV A table for Plant Height from RCBD
Table 4.10a Effect of tillage method on soil organic matter and maize yield
grown under rain-fed condition with stem girth (cm) of maize plant at 2, 6,
10, 14 WAP
Table 4.10b: Data Obtained for Stem Girth from RCBD
Table 4.10c: ANOVA table for Stem Girth from RCBD
Table 4.11a: Effect of tillage method on soil organic matter and maize 45
yield grown under rain-fed condition with maize number of
leaves (cm) at 2, 6,10, 14 W AP
Table 4.11b: Data Obtained for Number of Leaves from RCBD 63
Table 4.11c: ANOV A table for Number of Leaves from RCBD 64
Table 4.12a:Effect of tillage method on soil organic matter and maize yield 46
f grown under rain-fed condition with fresh weight of maize
; .. (g/plant) at 2, 6, 10, 14 W AP .
Data Obtained for Fresh Weight from RCBD 64 J Table 4.12b:
! Table 4.12c: ANOV A table for Fresh Weigh from RCBD 65 ~
Table 4.13a :Effect of tillage method on soil organic matter and maize yield 47
grown under rain fed condition with dry weight of maize
(g/plant) .
Table 4.13b: Data Obtained for Dry Weight from RCBD 65 l
I Table 4.13c: ANOV A table for Dry from RCBD 66
TABLE 4.14: Umudike weather data collection on temperature ('c) 66
~ TABLE 4.15 Umudike weather data collection on rainfall {mm) (2010) 68
Figure 1: Figure showing the experimental field layout with a
randomize complete block design. (RCBD)
Figure 2: Picture showing measurement of maize plant height.
; Figure 3: Picture showing measurement of stem girth of girth plant.
~ Figure 4: Showing maize obtained from plot of plouging alone.
l Figure 4: Picture showing maize obtained from plot of ploughing
1 alone. i
1 Figure S: Picture showing maize obtained from plot of ploughing and '
h harrowing alone. 4
Figure 6: Picture showing maize obtained from plot of plot of
harrowing alone.
Figure 7: Picture showing maize obtained fro plot no-tillage.
IKAMA, I (2023). Effect Of Tillage Method On Soil Organic Matter And Maize Yield Grown Under Rain-Fed Conditions In M.O.U.A.U Soil. Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Feb 11, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-tillage-method-on-soil-organic-matter-and-maize-yield-grown-under-rain-fed-conditions-in-mouau-soil-7-2
IKAMA, IKAMA. "Effect Of Tillage Method On Soil Organic Matter And Maize Yield Grown Under Rain-Fed Conditions In M.O.U.A.U Soil" Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 19 Jul. 2023, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-tillage-method-on-soil-organic-matter-and-maize-yield-grown-under-rain-fed-conditions-in-mouau-soil-7-2. Accessed 11 Feb. 2025.
IKAMA, IKAMA. "Effect Of Tillage Method On Soil Organic Matter And Maize Yield Grown Under Rain-Fed Conditions In M.O.U.A.U Soil". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 19 Jul. 2023. Web. 11 Feb. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-tillage-method-on-soil-organic-matter-and-maize-yield-grown-under-rain-fed-conditions-in-mouau-soil-7-2 >.
IKAMA, IKAMA. "Effect Of Tillage Method On Soil Organic Matter And Maize Yield Grown Under Rain-Fed Conditions In M.O.U.A.U Soil" Mouau.afribary.org (2023). Accessed 11 Feb. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-tillage-method-on-soil-organic-matter-and-maize-yield-grown-under-rain-fed-conditions-in-mouau-soil-7-2