A pot trial was conducted in the screen house of National
Root Crop Research institute (NRCRi), Uniudike to determine the efficacy ol
some plant extracts and pesticides in the control of bacterial leaf blight of
cocoyam (Colaccisia e.sculentaut/i). The treatments employed include: Lemon
grass (C'yinbopogon cl/rates), Black pepper seed (Piper guuineen.se), orange
peel (Citrus' sinesis), streptomycin sulphate (bactericide), copper oxychoride
(fungicide) and sterile water (control). The experiment was laid in complete
randomized design (CRD) and replicated six times. The malerials used ssere lrst
made into cold water aqueous extracts and diluted to I 0% concentration (s /v).
Application on leaves were made using hand sprayer at two weekly intervals.
Data obtained showed that ( 'i/ms sinensis peel had the least disease score (I
. I 7cm) which di l'l'eied signi licani lv from the rest of the treatments at
PO.O5. it was followed by Piper gu/1//IL'L'se (1:33 cm). all the extracts
tested proved Superior to the control (sterile water), and were at a per with
the two pesticides tested. Copper oxychloride gave (1 .67cm) and streptomycin
(I .83 cm) in reducing disease and enhancing yield better than the control but
one di lTereni from the extracts.
ISAIAH, C (2021). Effect Of Sonic Plant Extracts And Pesticides In The Control Of Bacterial Leaf Blight. Disease Of Colocasla Caused By Xanthomona Campestris In Umudike, Abia State. Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 09, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-sonic-plant-extracts-and-pesticides-in-the-control-of-bacterial-leaf-blight-disease-of-colocasla-caused-by-xanthomona-campestris-in-umudike-abia-state-7-2
CHIKAODI, ISAIAH. "Effect Of Sonic Plant Extracts And Pesticides In The Control Of Bacterial Leaf Blight. Disease Of Colocasla Caused By Xanthomona Campestris In Umudike, Abia State" Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 09 Nov. 2021, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-sonic-plant-extracts-and-pesticides-in-the-control-of-bacterial-leaf-blight-disease-of-colocasla-caused-by-xanthomona-campestris-in-umudike-abia-state-7-2. Accessed 09 Mar. 2025.
CHIKAODI, ISAIAH. "Effect Of Sonic Plant Extracts And Pesticides In The Control Of Bacterial Leaf Blight. Disease Of Colocasla Caused By Xanthomona Campestris In Umudike, Abia State". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 09 Nov. 2021. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-sonic-plant-extracts-and-pesticides-in-the-control-of-bacterial-leaf-blight-disease-of-colocasla-caused-by-xanthomona-campestris-in-umudike-abia-state-7-2 >.
CHIKAODI, ISAIAH. "Effect Of Sonic Plant Extracts And Pesticides In The Control Of Bacterial Leaf Blight. Disease Of Colocasla Caused By Xanthomona Campestris In Umudike, Abia State" Mouau.afribary.org (2021). Accessed 09 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-sonic-plant-extracts-and-pesticides-in-the-control-of-bacterial-leaf-blight-disease-of-colocasla-caused-by-xanthomona-campestris-in-umudike-abia-state-7-2