Batch sorption and incubation
experiments were carried out in the Soil Science Laboratory of Michael Okpara
University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU) to evaluate the effect of cow dung,
poultry manure and cocoa pod on sorption of heavy metals; amendment and heavy
metal effect on soil chemical properties. Batch sorption experiment was
Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using two factors; (A) amendment with cow
dung, poultry manure and cocoa pod as rates and (B) time with 15 minutes, 30
minutes and 60 minutes also as rates with three replications. Also, an
incubation experiment was CRD consisting of twelve treatment combinations
replicated three times. Soil samples used in the study were collected at the
depth of 0-20 cm from arable land within MOUAU. All the amendments used were
sourced locally. Batch study was conducted at room temperature using batch
adsorption techniques. Heavy metals solution used for the batch study was
prepared at the concentration of 100 mg/L. Whatman No.1 filter paper was used
to filter heavy metal solution. Incubation experiment was also carried out at
the same temperature for thirty days. The soils were amended with 1g of each
amendment and contaminated with heavy metals at the rate equivalent to 60 mg/kg
and wetted throughout the incubation period. Available metal was extracted
using 50 ml of 0.05 ml EDTA solution at the end of incubation and analyzed for
heavy metal concentration. Routine chemical analyses were carried out on the
soils after incubation using standard laboratory procedures. The data obtained
were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Genstat edition 3
(GenStat, 2007) and the means separated using Fisher’s Least Significant
Difference (LSD) at 5% level of probability. Batch study revealed no
significant effect of contact time on sorption of metals while the amendments
had significant effect with time amendment interaction being significant only
on adsorption of copper. Highest Cu, Pb and Zn (2.34 mg/g, 2.41 mg/g and 2.39
mg/g) was adsorbed by cow dung, cocoa pod and cow dung at 60, 15 and 30 minutes
of contact times respectively while the least; 1.84 mg/g, 0.87 mg/g and 1.99
mg/g were sorbed by poultry manure at 30, 15 and 30 minutes of contact times
respectively in batch study. Isotherms of the three metals obtained in all the
amendment had H shape. All the amendments had significant effect on extraction
of the metals with the highest amount extracted from controls without
amendments while the least Cu (30.33 mg/kg), Pb (36.17 mg/kg) and Zn (37.17
mg/kg) were extracted from poultry manure, cocoa pod and cow dung amended soils
respectively. Also, the treatments had significant effect on soil chemical
properties with the effect of organic amendments in combination with heavy
metals being virtually higher than the sole effect of heavy metals in all the
soils. Generally, all the amendments showed good potential in binding heavy
metals in both soil and aqueous solution and improving soil chemical
DENIS, M (2022). Comparative Sorption Of Copper, Lead And Zinc By Selected Amendments In A Paleudult In Southeastern Nigeria.. Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/comparative-sorption-of-copper-lead-and-zinc-by-selected-amendments-in-a-paleudult-in-southeastern-nigeria-7-2
MICHAEL, DENIS. "Comparative Sorption Of Copper, Lead And Zinc By Selected Amendments In A Paleudult In Southeastern Nigeria." Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 28 Nov. 2022, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/comparative-sorption-of-copper-lead-and-zinc-by-selected-amendments-in-a-paleudult-in-southeastern-nigeria-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
MICHAEL, DENIS. "Comparative Sorption Of Copper, Lead And Zinc By Selected Amendments In A Paleudult In Southeastern Nigeria.". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 28 Nov. 2022. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/comparative-sorption-of-copper-lead-and-zinc-by-selected-amendments-in-a-paleudult-in-southeastern-nigeria-7-2 >.
MICHAEL, DENIS. "Comparative Sorption Of Copper, Lead And Zinc By Selected Amendments In A Paleudult In Southeastern Nigeria." Mouau.afribary.org (2022). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/comparative-sorption-of-copper-lead-and-zinc-by-selected-amendments-in-a-paleudult-in-southeastern-nigeria-7-2