This research work is aimed at determining the nature and causesof fraud in manufacturing firms. In carrying out this research work, the researcher used primary data which includes: questionnaires which were distributed to four
departments; the account, audit, administrative and personnel department of PZ industries Aba and secondary data which includes textbooks, newspapers and journals and sites. The analysis of data were analyzed through simple percentage and presentation of tables and also the researcher used chi-square in testing research hypotheses. In the course of the study, the researcher finds out that fraud detection has significant effects on the profitability of the corporation and the effective maintenance of internal control system in an organisation enhances profitability and also helps in the prevention and detection of fraud. The researcher recommended that there is need to improve in the effectiveness of the internal control system in corporations, auditors should inspect the books of accounts more than once in a year to ensure compliance should maintain charts of accounts, cash control including bank reconciliation statement and payments should be monitored strictly .
Title page ~
Approval page ~
Declaration ..... ··························•······························································ .. IV
Ce rti fication v
Dedication vr
Acknowledgement v11
Table of content ...................•...................................................................... v111
List of tables · Abstract., xiii
Chapter one
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem 4·
1.3 Objective of the study 5·
1.4 Research question 6
1.5 Research hypothesis 6
1.6 Significance of the study ., 7 .
1. 7 Scope of the study · 1.8 Limitation of the study 9
1.9 ·Definition of terms 9
Chapter two
Review of literature
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Concept off raud.. ~ 2.2 Types of frauds common in corporations 15
2. 2.1 Management fraud _.
2.2.2 Outsider's fraud 17
2.2.3Company related fraud 17· .
2.2.4 Employees fraud 18
2.3 Forms off raud 18
2.3. I Misappropriation of income 19.
2.3.2 Misappropriation payments ~20
2.3.3 Other misappropriation J
2.4 Causes of fraud and errors. 21
2.4.1 Institutional causes of fraud.. 21-
2.4.2 Environmental I societal factors facilitating fraud 24-
2.5 The possible areas where there could be fraud or negligence 25
2.5. l Cash defalcation ....................•................................................................. 25-
2.5.2 Wage defalcation 27
2.5.3 Stock and work- in- progress defalcation 27
2.5.4 Defalcation involving sales and purchases 28-
2.6 Conditions or events which increases the risk of fraud 29·
2.7 Internal control system for prevention and detection of fraud 31
2.7.1 Internal control. 32-
2.7.2 Internal checks 33
2.7.3 Internal audit or inspection 34
2. 7.4 Classification of internal control.. 34- .
2.8 Computer fraud control. 37 ·
2.9 Bank reconciliation as a tool for fraud prevention and detection in corporation 2.9.1 The problem of non reconciliation .47
2.9.2 The purpose of bank reconciliation .48-
2.9.3 Advantages of bank rcconciliation .49-
Chapter three
Research methodology 51
3.1 Research design : ·
3.2 Area of study · :
3.3 Population of study 52
3.4 Sample and sampling techniques 53
3.5 Methods of data collection 53- .. · .
3.5.1Instrument for data collection 56
3.6 Methods of data analysis 56-
Chapter four
4.1 Analysis of q ucstions 58-
4.2 Test of hypothesis 66- .
4.3 Discussion of findings.. 76
Chapter Five
5.1 Restatement of problems
5.2Summary of findings .. ~
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recom mendation
5.5 Suggestions for further res ca rch. ~
Ref erences 84·
Appendix one
Appendix two
ONWUKWE, M (2020). APPRAISAL OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM AS A MEANS OF FRAUD DETECTION AND ERROR MINIMIZATION IN A MANUFACTURING FIRM (A CASE STUDY OF PZ CUSSONS AHA). Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/appraisal-of-internal-control-system-as-a-means-of-fraud-detection-and-error-minimization-in-a-manufacturing-firm-a-case-study-of-pz-cussons-aha
MOUAU/09/14869, ONWUKWE. "APPRAISAL OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM AS A MEANS OF FRAUD DETECTION AND ERROR MINIMIZATION IN A MANUFACTURING FIRM (A CASE STUDY OF PZ CUSSONS AHA)" Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 15 Apr. 2020, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/appraisal-of-internal-control-system-as-a-means-of-fraud-detection-and-error-minimization-in-a-manufacturing-firm-a-case-study-of-pz-cussons-aha. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
MOUAU/09/14869, ONWUKWE. "APPRAISAL OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM AS A MEANS OF FRAUD DETECTION AND ERROR MINIMIZATION IN A MANUFACTURING FIRM (A CASE STUDY OF PZ CUSSONS AHA)". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 15 Apr. 2020. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/appraisal-of-internal-control-system-as-a-means-of-fraud-detection-and-error-minimization-in-a-manufacturing-firm-a-case-study-of-pz-cussons-aha >.
MOUAU/09/14869, ONWUKWE. "APPRAISAL OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM AS A MEANS OF FRAUD DETECTION AND ERROR MINIMIZATION IN A MANUFACTURING FIRM (A CASE STUDY OF PZ CUSSONS AHA)" Mouau.afribary.org (2020). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/appraisal-of-internal-control-system-as-a-means-of-fraud-detection-and-error-minimization-in-a-manufacturing-firm-a-case-study-of-pz-cussons-aha