The purpose of this research project was to find out how application of accounting standards in the preparation of the financial statements in an organization can serves as an aid of making meaningful decisions by organization. In the objective of the study, the researcher tried to evaluate how the organization had utilized it fund. In the literature review, Glann A. Wisch and Daniel G. Short. (2010) said that accounting standards are conceptual guideline for application in the financial statement process. And in conducting this work, the researcher made use of extensive field research information was collected via primary and secondary data. Primary data were mainly questionnaire and secondary data were mainly from textbooks, journals and other related literature. The population of this study includes the three units of SAS i.e the management, senior staffs and junior staffs. The company population size is 47 and the sample size is 42, determined by Y aro Yam.iani's form ular. The hypothesis tested which include evaluating the application of accounting standards will make productive level of the organization and customer efficiency of the organization. Finally, the study revealed the findings and recommendations. On the findings, the research discovered that SAS improved proper accounting records. The researcher recommended that it can be used in promoting the company like funding the company and it can improve the statutory framework of accounting and auditing to protect the public interest.
Evaluation of B.Sc Research Project l
Approval Page ill
Declaration lV
Dedication v
Acknowledgement V1
Table of Contents Vl-X
Abstract X1
Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 4
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4 Research Hypothesis 7
1.5 Significance of the Study 7
1.6 Scope of the Study 8
1.7 Research Limitations 8
2.1 Literature Review 10
2.2 Relevant Models or Theories to the Study 12
2.3 Statement of Account Standard
2.3.1 Disclosure of Accounting Policies 19
2.3.2 Materiality 20~
2.3.3 Prudence 20
2.3.4 Statement of Accounting Standard I (SAS l) 21
2.3.5 General ') 1
2.3.6 Liabilities and Provisions 2
2.4 Current Literature Relevant To My Study 22
2.4. l Statement of Accounting Policies 24
2. 4. 2 Balance Sheet 27
2.4.3 Profit and Loss Account 28
2.4.4 Statement of Source Applicable for Cash Flow 29
2.4.5 Value Added Statement 30
2.5 Statement of Accounting Standard II (SAS II) 31
2.5.1 Information to be disclosed in Financial Statement 31
2.5.2 Cash Flow Statement: 32
2 .5 .3 Historical Financial Summary 32
2.6 SAS III 36
.6. l Cost of Property, Plant and Equipment 37
2.6.2 Self Constructed Property Plant and Equipment 38
2.6.3 Expenditure after Acquisition ~Q
2.6.4 Revaluation of Property, Plant and Equipment 38
2.6.5 Retirement and Disposal of Property Plant and Equipment39
2.7 Statement of Accounting Standard VI (SAS 6) 39
2.7.1 Extra-Ordinary Items and Prior Year Adjustments ~-'f
2.7.2 Problems of Extra Ordinary Item 40
2.7 .3 Methods of Reporting Extra Ordinary Items 40
2.7.4 Disclosure in. Financial Statement 41
2.8 Conceptual Framework 41
3.1 Research Methodology ~d.
3. 2 Selection of Data 54
3.2.1 Primary Source of Data 54
3. 2. 2 Secondary Source of Data 55
3.3 Method of Data Collection 55
3.3.1 Questionnaire 55
3.3.2 Interview Method 55
3.4 Design and Administration of Questionnaires 56
3.4.1 Population of the Study ยท56
3. 4. 2 Sample Size Determination 56
3.5 Operational Measures of Variables 58
3.6 Data Analysis Technique 58
4.0 Presentation and Analysis of Data 61
4. 1 Application of Accounting Standard of a Company Presentation 61
4 .1.1 Historical Background 61
4.2 Tabulation of Responses of the Questionnaire 64
4.3 Hypothesis Testing Using Chi-Square 68
4.3.1 Relevant Research Questions 69
4.3.2 Decision Rule 71
Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation 74
5 .1 Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5 ,3 Recommendation
UWAEZUOKE, M (2020). APPLICATION OF ACCOUNTING STANDARD IN THE PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT IN AN ORGANIZATION WITH REFERENCE TO IAS, SAS, IFRS, NABS. Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 14, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/application-of-accounting-standard-in-the-preparation-of-financial-statement-in-an-organization-with-reference-to-ias-sas-ifrs-nabs
MOUAU/06/07/563, UWAEZUOKE. "APPLICATION OF ACCOUNTING STANDARD IN THE PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT IN AN ORGANIZATION WITH REFERENCE TO IAS, SAS, IFRS, NABS" Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 20 Mar. 2020, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/application-of-accounting-standard-in-the-preparation-of-financial-statement-in-an-organization-with-reference-to-ias-sas-ifrs-nabs. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.
MOUAU/06/07/563, UWAEZUOKE. "APPLICATION OF ACCOUNTING STANDARD IN THE PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT IN AN ORGANIZATION WITH REFERENCE TO IAS, SAS, IFRS, NABS". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 20 Mar. 2020. Web. 14 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/application-of-accounting-standard-in-the-preparation-of-financial-statement-in-an-organization-with-reference-to-ias-sas-ifrs-nabs >.
MOUAU/06/07/563, UWAEZUOKE. "APPLICATION OF ACCOUNTING STANDARD IN THE PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT IN AN ORGANIZATION WITH REFERENCE TO IAS, SAS, IFRS, NABS" Mouau.afribary.org (2020). Accessed 14 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/application-of-accounting-standard-in-the-preparation-of-financial-statement-in-an-organization-with-reference-to-ias-sas-ifrs-nabs