Information is the life wire of every company. Information is money according to Obeleagu Nzelibe (1990), and is indispensable for a company to establish its existence as a going concern aimed at a good profitability scheme. Accounting information forms the highest percentage of information required by firms in their decision making. From the researchers view, it was recognised that accounting information is very important and lack of enough supply of it leads to a serious problem in small firms especially in decision making. A survey has been made to study the adequacy and accuracy of information supplied and to the extent it has been effectively used by managers. To achieve the purpose of this research, both primary and secondary methods of data collections were applied. Questionnaires were distributed to managers and accountants in randomly selected firms at Aba, Abia state. The researcher conducted on the prepositions that: Managers do not rely on accounting information for decision-making.Accounting information's arc not always accurate information.Managers at times do not understand (cannot interpret) accounting information.A computer-based management information system docs not enhance timely management decision making.Business failure may not necessarily be as a result of poor accounting information.Simple percentage method was used to analyze the data collected. After a thorough analysis of data and discussion, it was discovered that; Managers rely on accounting information for decision-making. Managers arc supplied with inadequate accounting data. Managers are faced with the problem of interpreting the accounting information supplied to them and as a result of their inabilities reject some useful accounting data. Managers do not depend on computer based management information system in taking economic decision making . Recommendation has been made in view of the above that: Different departments should be established for both financial and cost accounting with qualified staffGovernment should also aid these firms by formulating deliberate policies aimed at improving the financial bases of small firms. Managers should receive basic training on accounting through seminars and workshops. It was recommended that if small companies will administer these measures properly, they will perform efficiently and effectively.
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Table Of Contents
List Of Tables
Abstract x
Chapter One
1.1 Background Of The Study 1
1.2 Statement Of The Problem 3
1.3 Objective Of The Study 4
1.4 Research Questions 5
1.5 Research Hypotheses 6
1.6 Scope And Coverage Of The Study 7
1.7 Limitations Of The Study 8
1.8 Significance Of The Study 8
1.9 Definitions Of Terms 9
Chapter Two
2.1 Nature Of Accounting Information 11
2.2 Types Of Accounting Information 12
2.3 Sources Of Accounting Information 13
2.4 The Need For Accounting Information 19
2.5 Users Of Accounting Information 21
2.6 The Nature Of Small Companies In Nigeria 25
2.7 Use Of Accounting Information In Small Companies 26
Chapter Three
3.1 Research Design 31
3.2 Area Of Study 31
3.3 Population Of The Study 32
3.4 Sample Size Of The Study 32
3.5 Method Of Data Collection 32
3.6 Method Of Data Analysis 33
3.7 Statistical Test For Hypothesis 33
Chapter rFour
4.1 Introduction 35
4.2 Tabulation And Analysis Of Responses 35
chapter five
5.1 Summary Of Findings 57
5.2 Conclusion 58
5.3 Recommendation 58
Bibliography 61
Appendix I 63
Appendix II 70
List Of Tables
4.1 What is your area of Operation? 42
4.2 Management/costing accounting 42
4. Who determines the information need of the firm? 43
4.4 What is your view about accounting information? 44
4.5 Accounting information for decision-making 44
4.6 Supply you with the information 45
4.7 Do you have any problem in understanding them? 46
'4.8 Understand the information supplied 46
4.9 Use of all the accounting information supplied? 47
4.10 Information supplied by the accountant in business 48
4.1 Accounting information improves your decision-making? 48
4.12 Prepare your account according to the required standard? 49
4.13 Supplies all the information needed? 50
4.14 Seek your assistance in interpreting accounting so
4.15 Having problem about the information to supply? 51
4.6 do managers apply management accounting 51
4.17 Managers apply accounting information in decision-making? 52
4.18 Do you computerize your accounts? 53
4.19 Aims of accounting information being achieved 53
4.20 Observed Frequencies (Fo) 55
AMANZE, M (2020). ACCOUNTING INFORMATION AS A TOOL FOR MANAGEMENT DECISIONS (A STUDY OF SELECTED SMALL SCALE COMPANIES IN ABA. Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 14, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/accounting-information-as-a-tool-for-management-decisions-a-study-of-selected-small-scale-companies-in-aba
MOUAU/CEC/06/462, AMANZE. "ACCOUNTING INFORMATION AS A TOOL FOR MANAGEMENT DECISIONS (A STUDY OF SELECTED SMALL SCALE COMPANIES IN ABA" Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 20 Mar. 2020, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/accounting-information-as-a-tool-for-management-decisions-a-study-of-selected-small-scale-companies-in-aba. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.
MOUAU/CEC/06/462, AMANZE. "ACCOUNTING INFORMATION AS A TOOL FOR MANAGEMENT DECISIONS (A STUDY OF SELECTED SMALL SCALE COMPANIES IN ABA". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 20 Mar. 2020. Web. 14 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/accounting-information-as-a-tool-for-management-decisions-a-study-of-selected-small-scale-companies-in-aba >.
MOUAU/CEC/06/462, AMANZE. "ACCOUNTING INFORMATION AS A TOOL FOR MANAGEMENT DECISIONS (A STUDY OF SELECTED SMALL SCALE COMPANIES IN ABA" Mouau.afribary.org (2020). Accessed 14 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/accounting-information-as-a-tool-for-management-decisions-a-study-of-selected-small-scale-companies-in-aba