A Statistical Study on Genetic Incompatibility and Divorce Using Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital as a Case Study.

OKO FELIX OGBONNIA | 39 pages (7361 words) | Projects


In this research work, it was set out to study genetic incompatibility and divorce using Ebonyi State University teaching hospital as a case study. The investigation was carried out by designing questionnaires that were given out to 150 respondents comprising of married men and women in the teaching hospital only. These data were analyzed using cu -square test to test whether divorce rate is indepciicicnt of genetic incompatibility and hardy- Weinberg formula to determine the genotype frequency is the teaching hospital. After the analysis the following results were obtained. From the chi-squaie tests, it was found that genetic incompatibility could lead to the divorce of married couple. And from hardy-Weinberg formula we have that the cnotype frequency in this teaching hospital is thus: 67% of married couples are Hormal (AA), 33% of married coupes are carrier (AS) and no married couple is sicklier (SS). Thisis also in line with the result of the questionnaires.



Title page



Table of content

Abstract v

Table of contents

Chapter One Introduction

1 .2 Purpose of l'hc Project .. 4

1 .3 Scope of the Study.. .. 5

1 .3 Orgañisation o iihe Study .. 6

Chapter Two — Literature Review and Definition Of Terms 7

2.0. 1 Chromosomes .. 8

2.0.2 Monol n'brid In licritance 8

2.0.3 Dominant and Recessive lactor 8

2.0.4 Alleles (ALLELOMORIIP) 9

2.0.5 lIomozygous and Ilcicrozygous 9

2.0.6 Gcnotypc and Phenotype .. .. 9

2.0.7 F-Iomozygous Dominant Aacl Recessive 10

2.0.8 Test Cross and Back Cross 10

2.0.9 Mantel's First And Second Law 11

2. I .0 Genotype and Their Associated Diseases 12

2. 1. 1 Sickle Cell Anaemia 12

2.1.2 Albinism .... 13

2.1 .3 llaemophia .. .. 13

2.1.4 Statistical Tools For llic Analysis.. 14

2.1.5 hardy Weinb erg Formula .. 14

2.1.( Chi Square Test oHndc.eidencc. 15

Chapter 1iree i\iciiod of Research/Data

( OIICCIU)fl 11(1 i\ nil lysis I 8

I Sample Seleelmii ... I 8

3.2 Problem I ncoiuiicred While Analysis 'I'hc Questionnaires 20

3.3 Procedure ol Data Collection and Analysis oF Genotype

l)ala and 1)ivorce 2!



Rcfercnccs 28

Appendix Questionnaire. 29

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OKO, O (2021). A Statistical Study on Genetic Incompatibility and Divorce Using Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital as a Case Study.. Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/a-statistical-study-on-genetic-incompatibility-and-divorce-using-ebonyi-state-university-teaching-hospital-as-a-case-study-7-2

MLA 8th

OGBONNIA, OKO. "A Statistical Study on Genetic Incompatibility and Divorce Using Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital as a Case Study." Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 19 May. 2021, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/a-statistical-study-on-genetic-incompatibility-and-divorce-using-ebonyi-state-university-teaching-hospital-as-a-case-study-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.


OGBONNIA, OKO. "A Statistical Study on Genetic Incompatibility and Divorce Using Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital as a Case Study.". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 19 May. 2021. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/a-statistical-study-on-genetic-incompatibility-and-divorce-using-ebonyi-state-university-teaching-hospital-as-a-case-study-7-2 >.


OGBONNIA, OKO. "A Statistical Study on Genetic Incompatibility and Divorce Using Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital as a Case Study." Mouau.afribary.org (2021). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/a-statistical-study-on-genetic-incompatibility-and-divorce-using-ebonyi-state-university-teaching-hospital-as-a-case-study-7-2

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