We considered the population dynamic of a housefly in well-defined stages. We usecj Leslie and Lefkovitch matrix which considered Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors as the best approach in...
One very difficult task for mathematicians has been to give a comprehensive but precise definition ofthe subject mathematics. Sometime, seven Fields medalists in mathematics attempted to...
This study is aimed at solving for the roots of quadratic, cubic and quartic equations in a field when the equations have real coeffcicnt». The problem of finding the roots of polynomial...
This project work present a machine-checked formalization of I • elementary abstract algebra in constructive set theory. This formalization uses an approach where I start by specifying the...
In this thesis, the important fundamental properties of numerical methods for ordinary differential equations are investigated. This involves the derivation of Adams Bashforth methods,...
This project is an x-ray on Ordinary Differential Equations, its application to mathematical modeling and how it can be used to model the quantity of food to be cooked in a restaurant...
In this project work, some foundations of Abstract Algebra (such as groups) have been studied by the use of a square. The research work identified all the symmetries of the square...
In this study, the standard SIRS Model was used to control the spread of Tuberculosis The disease-free equilibrium state ofthe model was established and its stability analyzed using the...
In this work we study the application of graph colouring to scheduling problem three illustrative examples are presented, namely, examination scheduling, committee assignment and...
In this work, we applied Euler circuits and Euler trails to the ground plan of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike campus, Abia state. Euler's theorems, algorithms graphs,...
This work applies the residues theorem which is a concept of the complex calculus to the real calculus. This is significant as the theorem is used for the evaluation of some real definite...
This work generally explores Lagrange Multipliers method and its relevance, condition, distinction and technique to finding solutions of a constrained Non-linear optimization problem
This project work focuses on how mathematical modeling can be used to reduce the rate ol typhoid fever in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. From the data results, it was...
We reviewed and compared methods of solution for integral equations with concentration on approximation methods. We gave an introduction to integral equations, and reviewed...
In this work, we studied Bessel inequality and the claim that disprove that all Riemann integrable functions can be represented in Fourier series using Bessel inequality.
This is a reviewed research work on existence and uniqueness conditions for fixed point oF Ordinary Differential Equations with the associated initial value problem y =/OcyXyCxo)...
The project work took a look al Sylow’s Theorem and Applications. Chapter one took a look at the basic definitions, preliminary results and lemmas without proof. Chapter two took a...
This research work presents Lyapunov approach for stability investigation of well - production model for fluid flow. It is established that a well production rate u(t) is essentially a...
This study considered the application of Fourier Series Analysis in Modelling Seasonal Data and use of such model to forecast the future values of such data, hi order to achieve these...
In this work. Differential Transformation method (DTM) and Multi-step Differential Transformation method (MSDTM) are studied; and are used to obtain solutions oftwo classes of...
Line search and trust region methods are known traditional methods for solving unconstrained optimization problems. In this thesis, the different algorithms for solving unconstrained...
The transmission of information over a communication system always results in some degradation in the quality ofthe information. In digital links, degradation cjf the information content...
In this research project we investigated the vibrational characteristics of a vehicle system, which is directly related to the ride comfort ofthe passenger and road handling. The...
There are many studies about continuous blood pressure estimation using pulse transit time (PTT). In this study, we proposed the modeling method which could estimate Blood pressure (BP)...
Compared with standard numerical methods for initial value problems (IVPs) for ordinary differential equations (ODEs), validated methods not only compute a numerical solution to...