Food Science and Technology

Effects Of Carboxylmethyl Cellulose (Cmc) On The Baking Properties Of Cassava-Wheat Composite Flour Bread


Qualities of bread produced from cassava wheat flour blends were evaluated. Cassava flour was mixed with wheat flour at the ratio of 15:85 with the improver carboxylmethyl cellulose (CMC)...

51 pages (9272 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Evaluation Of The Physico-Chemical, Pasting And Organoleptic Properties Of Fufu Flour Produced From Three Varieties Of Yellow Root Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz).


 The study examined the difference between the physico-chemical, pasting and organoleptic properties of fufu flour produced from three varieties of yellow root cassava (Manihot...

58 pages (10229 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Quality Evaluation Of Food Drink Produced From Tigernus (Cyperus Esculentus) And Pineapples (Ananas Comosus) During Refrigeration Storage


 Pineapple (Ananas comosis) juice (PP) and Tiger' 'nut (Cyperus esculentus) milk (TN) were blended to a fruit drink. 100% pineapple was used as the control. The juice blend was stored...

85 pages (17109 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Physicochemical Properties Of Composite Flour From Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) And Two Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor L.Monech) Seed Varieties


 This study investigated the physicochemical properties of composite flours from wheat and white or brown sorghum seed varieties. Seven flour samples with 100% wheat (WW), 10% white...

90 pages (18805 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Effect Of Storage Of African Breadfruit Seed On Quality Characteristics Of The Flour


African breadfruit seeds were collected at an interval of seven days during storage, milled to flour and analyzed for the initial content and the effect of storage as the storage times...

63 pages (12944 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Production And Quality Evaluation Of Mungbean (Vigna Radiata (L). Wilczek) Starch Residue And Digestive Biscuit Produced From Mungbean Starch Residue/Wheat Blends


This study was aimed at evaluating mung bean starch residue and their composite biscuit with wheat blends. The effect of alkali, cold and hot water treatment on green and brown varieties of...

100 pages (18966 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Effect Of Sprouting On The Physico-Chemical And Phytochemical Properties Of Kolanut (Cola Nitida)


 This investigated the effect of sprouting on the physicochemical and phytochemical properties of kola nut (cola nitida). The proximate composition showed that the kola nut had high...

49 pages (8840 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Effects Of Different Binders On Chemical And Sensory Properties Of Baked Beans Produced From Indigenous Specie Of White And Brown Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris)


Baked beans were produced from brown and white beans (Phaseolus vuIgarus) using cassava and corn starch as the binding agents. The effects of the binders on the chemical and sensory...

107 pages (22238 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Effect Of Different Preservation Methods And Packaging Materials On The Quality Characteristics Of Kunun-Zaki


 Kunun-zaki was prepared using millet and sorghum. The sample was divided into four portions. The first portion was preserved with benzoic acid (KBA); the second portion was preserved...

82 pages (19303 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Effect Of Steaming On Nutrient And Phytochemical Composition Of Solanum Esculetum (Eggplant)


Chemical analyses were carried out to determine the proximate composition, phytochemical and mineral constituents of Solanum esculenturn (eggplant) using standard methods. The fresh fruits...

52 pages (10592 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Evaluation Of Effects Of Modification Methods On Physicochemical Properties Of Starch From Two Cultivars Of Mungbean (Vigna Radiata).


 Three extraction methods (Cold water, Hot water and Alkali extraction) were used for the extraction of starch from two cultivars of mungbean (green and local brown). Starches were...

79 pages (15921 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Effect Of Packaging Materials On The Physico-Chemical And Sensory Properties Of Moi-Moi Produced From Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata)


Moi-moi made from cowpea was packaged in four different packaging material etere, banana leaves, aluminium foil and aluminium plates and steamed. The effect of different packaging...

79 pages (16022 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Evaluation Of Burger Breads From Blend Of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum), Soybean (Glycine Max) And Watermelon (Citrillus Lanatus) Rind Flour.


 The physicochemical and sensory evaluation of the burger breads produced from the composite flour of wheat, full fat soy and watermelon rind was determined. Six burger bread samples...

91 pages (20801 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Quality Evaluation Of Plant Milk Samples Produced From Blends Of Soymilk And Coconut Milk


 The study was conducted to evaluate the quality properties of plant milk blends produce from soybean (Glycine max(L) menu) and coconut (cocosnuc?/era). The plant milk samples were...

56 pages (9331 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Evaluation Of Mixed Fruit Juice Made From Soursop (Anona Muricata) And Pineapple (Ananas Comosus) Juice Blends.


 The production and quality evaluation of juice made from soursop (Anona muricata) and pineapple (Ananas comosus) juice blends was studied. The juices were formulated into blends of...

93 pages (21704 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Production And Evaluation Of Cocoyam -Wheat Cake Enriched With Edible Palm Weevil


The purpose of this research was to develop and evaluate a snack product (cake) from composite flour blends of wheat and cocoyam enriched with edible palm weevil (Rhyhnchophorus phoenicis)....

97 pages (19423 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Effect Of Proofing Time On The Hydrogen Cyanide Content Of High Quality Cassava Flour (Hqcf)- Wheat (Triticun, Aestivuin) Flour Composite Dough


 The effect of proofing time (40 to 80 minutes) on the Hydrogen cyanide content of 1-ugh quality Cassava flour-Wheat flour composite dough. and on the sensory attributes of deep fat...

87 pages (16584 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Effect Of Ginger And Pepper Fruit Treatment On The Physical, Microbial And Sensory Properties Of Zobo Drinks Stored At Ambient Temperature


The effect of ginger and pepper fruit treatment on the physical, microbial and sensory properties of zobo drinks stored at ambient temperature was studied using standard methOds. The...

73 pages (14896 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Production And Quality Evaluation Of Short Bread Biscuit From Flour Blends Of Wheat, Banana And Carrot


 The study evaluated the quality of Short Bread Biscuit from flour blends of wheat, banana and carrots. Composite biscuits were made by supplementing wheat flour with carrot and...

69 pages (15328 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Effects Of Levels Of Panok On The Physical Properties Of Bread Produced From Cassava-Wheat Composite Flour


Bread samples were produced from flours of cassava and a blend of both flours. Effect of addition of panok as an improver to the bread samples at different incorporation levels (0-0.4%)...

77 pages (16101 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Production And Evaluation Of Fruit Syrup From Pawpaw (Carica Papaya) And Banana (Musa Paradisiacal)


 The production and evaluation of syrup from pawpaw and banana juice blend was studied. The proximate, physico-chemical and sensory properties of the blends were carried out using...

66 pages (13728 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Evaluation Of Total Carotenoid And Hydrogen Cyanide Contents Of Three Varieties Of Yellow Cassava Roots At Different Stages Of Cassava Slices (Abacha) And Shreds (Nsisa) Productions.


 Three varieties of yellow cassava UMUCASS 36 (TMS 01/1368), UMUCASS 37 (TMS 01/1412) and UMUCASS 38 (TMS 01/13 71) were assessed for their potential usage in processing into...

62 pages (11334 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Production And Evaluation Of Mayonnaise From Melon, Pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo), Soybean And Groundnut Seed Oils.


 Mayonnaise is a stable emulsion of oil egg yolk and vinegar and lemon juice. Mayonnaise is commonly produced from soybean oil. Soybean is a very important legume which fifldS...

68 pages (9820 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Physico - Chemical And Sensory Properties Of Gari From Dehydrated Cassava Chips


Cassava variety, TMS 419, was processed into gari using oven dried cassava chips and sun dried cassava chips. The physico — chemical and sensory properties of the gari produced from the...

51 pages (9078 words) · Projects · 2 years ago

Evaluation Of The Cyanide Content And Microbial Load Of Commercial Fufu Processed In Some Parts Of Imo And Aria State


 The evaluation of the cyanide and microbial content 0 fufu processed in Imo and Abia State, Nigeria was done. Nineteen samples ot'ready-to-eat fufu were analysed for...

45 pages (7616 words) · Projects · 2 years ago
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