
A Time Series Analysis Of Market Prices Of Yam In Abia State. (1996 - 2001)


This piece of work is a time series analysis of market prices of yam tuber per kg in Abia State for Six Years (1996-2001). The aims of applying time series analysis are that the prices...

36 pages (5746 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Bioconversion Of Some Common Waste Materials By The Edible Mushroom; Pleurotus Sajor-Caju (Fr.) Singer.


 Three different kinds of waste materials, namely rice straw, lawn mowings and waste paper were used individually for the cultivation of Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr) Singer. Their effects...

71 pages (14838 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Preliminary Studies On The Taxonomy And Phytochemistry Of Some Cleome Species (Cleomaceae)


Three species of Cleome common in Eastern Nigeria namely (C. viscosa, C. rutidosperma and C. gynandra, were all examined and compared in this work. The aim of this study is to identify the...

68 pages (9727 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effects Of Aqueous Leaf And Stem Extracts Of Adenia Lobata (Jacq) On The Flowering And Fruiting Of Okra (Ablemischus Esculenta) And Groundnut (Arachis Hypogea)


The growth and development of plants which comprise its germination, flowering and fruiting can either be induced or retarded by various plant extracts, Erclisli and Turkal (1998). This...

30 pages (4031 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Antibiotic Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus In Food And The Environment


A total of 120 samples from water, food, goat and sheep in Umuahia were examined for Staphylococcus strains using Mannitol Salt agar and Bacto Staphylococcus medium. Staph. aureus strains...

50 pages (8200 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Anatomical And Histochemical Studies In Some Sugar Cane (Accharum Species Cultivars.


 This project aims at revealing the distinguishing anatomical and histochemical features among some sugar cane. (Saccharurn species) varieties of the variation and confusion...

40 pages (4775 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Phytochemical And Nutritional Studies On Some Tropical Edible Mushrooms


 Four species of mushrooms were examined, namely Auricularia auricula, Pleurotus squarrosulus, Pleurotus tuber-regium (pileus), Pleurotus tuberregium (stipe), Pleurotus tuber-regium...

57 pages (9737 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Survey Of Organisms Associated With Decaying Palm Trunks


The organisms utilizing decaying palm trunks in Awom na Ebo and Umuokrika towns in Abia and Imo States respectively were accessed between the months of August and November, 2010. A total...

56 pages (7431 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Prevalence Of Trypanosomiasis In Cattle In Umudike Farm.


The prevalence of trypanosomiasis in 40 cattle from animal farm of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State was investigated. The cattle were of different...

42 pages (5532 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Studies On The Niqerian Mushroorm Pleurotus Tuber Regium


 In this work, growing of mushroom mycelia in different agrowastes and the determination of the proximate composition, mineral and vitamin values of the mycelia as affected by the...

69 pages (8587 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Phytochemical Ad Toxcolo6jcal Studies On Aqueous Extra Ct Of Roots Of Telefaria Occidentalis.


 Preliminary phytochemical and toxicity studies on aqueous extracts of Telfaria occidentalis was carried out. Phytochemical screening of roots of Telfaria occidentalis indicate the...

58 pages (11054 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Some Bioactive And Possible Nutrient Composition Of The Bracket Fungus Polyporus Species


The Bioactive and possible nutrient composition of the bracket fungus Polyporus species is determined with the view to identifying the presence of the various chemical components of the...

55 pages (6619 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

In-Vivo Evaluation Of The Anti-Malaria Activities Of Phyllanthus Niruri And Euphorbia Hirta On Mice Malaria (Plasmodium Berghei)


50 pages (8328 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Inhibitory Effect Of Some Plant Extracts On Selected Pathogenic Bacteria


The Antibacterial Activity Of The Ethanolic And Aqueous Extracts Of Piper Guineense, Xylopia Aethiopica And Garcinia Kola Against Eschericha  Pseudomonas Aeruginosa And...

45 pages (8270 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Evaluation Of In Vivo Antimalarial Activity Of The Ethanolic Leaf Extracts Of Chromolaena Odorata And Cymbopogon Citratusin Mice


Malaria is unique among diseases because its roots lie so deep within human communities. Malaria remains one of the worst menaces of tropical countries of the world. It is a killer and...

90 pages (12139 words) · Theses · 3 years ago

Studies On The Cultivation Of Edible Mushroom Pleurotus Sajor Caju And Pleurotus Ostreatus (Florida) On Locally Available Agricultural Wastes.


Edible mushrooms such as Pleurotus Sajor -caju and Pleurotus ostreatus were grown on locally available agricultural wastes. The objective of the study is to determine the substrates...

52 pages (8587 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Morphological, Anatomical and Phytochemical Studies On Some Phyllantus Species (EUPHORBIACEAE)



Three species of phyllantus namely P. (and P. llrililiria belonging to the family of Euphorbiaceae were compared and examined with the aim of identifying the existing...

93 pages (13601 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effects Of Single-Element Fertilizers And A Compound-Element Fertilizer On Cassava Maiiiizot Esculenia, Crantz) Cyanide


The effects of single element fertilizers: Muriate of potash, single super phosphate, urea and compound fertilizer NPK 15:15:15 on cassava Manihoi esculenta, Crantz) cyanide was...

44 pages (6329 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

A Comparative Study Of Some Agricultural Waste Products For The Cultivation Pleurotus Ostreatus (Florida)


A study was carried out to cultivate the edible mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus (florida) from five agricultural waste products which include corn straw. Vertivar straw, elephant grass...

34 pages (5057 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Studies On The Cultivation Of Three Pleurotus Species On Locally Available Agricultural Wastes.


 The prospects of growing edible mushrooms using locally available agricultural wastes have been examined. Pleurotus species namely P. tuberregium, P. sajor-caju, P. salm onco-strarn...

62 pages (10131 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Morphological Anatomical Histochemical And Palynological Studies On Somes Solanum Species


Nine species of Solaiuin namely, S. aethiopicum, S. ainericanum, S. eiiantliu,n, S. indicuin, S. nigrum, S. retrofleruin, S. scabruin, S trovuin and S. villosuin were...

78 pages (10033 words) · Projects · 3 years ago
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