Plant Science and Biotechnology

Yield And Some Morphological Characters Of Pleurotus Pulmonarius (Fries) Quel Fruit-Bodies Cultivated On Hcl-Optimized Oil Palm Bunch Substrate


The study was conducted to optimize the pH of oil palm bunch (OPB) as a substrate for the cultivation of Pleurotus pulmonarius fruit bodies. The natural pH of OPB was found to be 9.5....

48 pages (9771 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Phytochemical Screening And Antimicrobial Activity Of Euporbia Hirta Linn, Breynia Nivosa W. Bull, Euphorbia Heterophylla Linn And Manihot Esculenta Crantz


Euporbia hirta, Breynia nivosa, Euphorbia heterophylla and Manihot esculenta powdered plant material were extracted using two solvents, ethanol and water. The ethanol extracts provided the...

52 pages (9609 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Effect Of Organic And Inorganic Manure On The Growth, Yield, Development And Nutritional Composition Of Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus (L.) Moench)


This field work experiment was conducted to study the effect of organic and inorganic manure on the growth, development, yield and nutritional composition of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus...

1 page (15008 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Evaluation Of Antibacterial And Antioxidative Properties Of Some Nigerian Medicinal Plants Used In The Treatment Of Oral And Skin Infections


Oral and Skin infections are among the leading causes of death worldwide. Pathogenic bacteria are becoming resistance to the existing antibiotics and many of the commercially available...

70 pages (12542 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Myco- Chemical And Vitamin Composition Of Pleurotus Ostreatus (Fries) Fruit-Bodies Cultivated On Three Different Substrates


Myco- chemical and vitamin composition of pleurotus ostreatus (fries) fruit-bodies cultivated on three different substrates were investigated and compared. The fruit bodies produced from...

52 pages (9654 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Phytochemical Screening And Antimicrobial Activity Of The Seeds Of Carica Papya (L), Garcinia Kola Heckel, Aframomum Melegueta K. Schumand Persea Amaricana Mill


The ethanoic and aqueous extract of seeds of Alligator pepper, Avocado pear, Bitter kola and Paw-paw were subjected to phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity study. The study...

43 pages (9721 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Anti-Inflammatory And Diuretic Activities Of Ethanolic Extracts Of Smilax Anceps Wild


The present study investigated the anti-inflammatory and diuretic activities of ethanolic extracts of leaves of Smilax anceps. Twenty (20) adults rats were used for this study. They were...

32 pages (5440 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Effect Of Spent Oil On The Heavy Metal Accumulation And Nitrogen Fixation In Vigna species


It is a common practice in Nigeria especially by motor mechanics to dispose spent oil into gutters, water drains, open vacant plots and farms. The effect of spent oil on the anatomy...

44 pages (7269 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

EFFECT OF Azadirachta indica L. ON GERMINATION AND SEEDLING GROWTH OF Arachis hypogea L.


This study aims at evaluating the effect of aqueous leaf and bark extracts of Azadirachta indica on the germination and seedling growth of Arachis hypogea. The research was carried out in...

38 pages (7383 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Isolation And Identification Of Fungi Found In Ground Brachystegia Eurycoma (Achi) Sold In Umudike Local Markets In Umuahia Central, Abia State


This study was conducted to isolate and identify fungi associated with ground B. eurycoma (Achi) seeds obtained from three local markets within Umuahia central area of Abia State Nigeria....

49 pages (6060 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Evaluation Of Antioxidant And Antimicrobial Activities Of Ethanolic Root Extract Of Amaranthus Spinosus (Linn) On Selected Clinical Isolates


Medicinal plants have been found to play a significant role in the treatment of human ailments due to the resistance nature of synthetic drugs aside been very expensive. One of the leading...

54 pages (10422 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Production Of Pleurotus Ostreaus Spawn Grains Using Yellow Maize, Guinea Corn And Wheat As Substrates And Cultivation Of Mushroom


Spawn quality is the most important factor in the production of edible mushroom (which is fast gaining prominence in Nigeria and Africa at large). Pleurotus ostreatus is an indigenous...

39 pages (7458 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

The Effect Of Leaf Plant Extract On Seed Germination And Seedling Growth In Okra (Abelimoschus esculentus L.)


Effect of plant extract P.nigrum, O. basilicum and A. indica pretreatment on seed germination, seeding growth of Abelmoschus esculentus was examined in the laboratory of Plant Science and...

37 pages (7140 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Antioxidant And Diuretic Activities Of The Ethanolic Extract Of Combretum racemosum (P. Beauv.) On Albino Rats


Combretum racemosum (P. Beauv.) commonly known as “Christmas rose” in Southern Nigeria local English is a plant that has been in use for several years by African traditional healers in the...

47 pages (9716 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Antioxidant, Antimicrobial And Laxative Potential Of Ethanol Leave Extract Of Synedrella Nodiflora(L). Gaertn


Aliments are parts of human life, but due to resistant nature of synthetic drugs and its cost rate there is need for alternative and there comes medicinal plants which have and continued to...

55 pages (12857 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Effect Of X-Irradiation On The Anatomy, Proximate And Phyto-Chemical (Anti-Nutrient) Composition Of Red Pepper (Capsicum Frutenscens L.)


This work investigated the effect of x-ray irradiation on the anatomy, proximate and anti-nutrient composition of the leaf of Capsicum frutescens. Seedlings of C. frutescens where exposed...

50 pages (7837 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Studies Of The Mitotic Chromosomal Differences Of Three Varieties Of Maize (Zea Maysl.)


The mitotic chromosomal defferences of three varieties of maize (Zea mays everta, Zea mays saccharata and Zea mays turnicata) from root tips were investigated using squashing method. 0.05g...

41 pages (7405 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

X-Ray Mutagenic Effect On Germination And Growth Of African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis Stenocarpa Hochst Ex A. Rich)


This research work was aimed at investigating the dosimetry of X-ray doses on two African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa Hochst ex A. Rich) accessions (Ikwuano and Akara), effects on...

92 pages (12257 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

THE EFFECT OF LEAF EXTRACT ON THE CONTROL OF ROT IN STORAGE YAM (Dioscorea species L.) (Azadirachta indica A.JUSS., Piper nigrum L., Vernonia amygdalina DEL. and Ocimum basilicum L.)


The control of yam rot in storage using the leaf extract of Azadirachta indica, Piper nigrum, Vernonia amygdalina and Ocimum basilicum. The experiment was conducted in the Laboratory...

47 pages (9662 words) · Projects · 4 years ago



The edible tubers from different species of Dioscorea are a major source of food and nutrition for millions of people in the world. The anatomy of the organs (leaves and stems) of...

102 pages (5841 words) · Projects · 4 years ago



The antimicrobial activity and phytochemical screening of the bark of Tetrapleura tetraptera and Xylopia aethiopica were carried out. The two plant species indicate the presence of reducing...

50 pages (9558 words) · Projects · 4 years ago
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