Influence of Principals5 Conflict Management Skills on teachers' Instructional Effectiveness in Senior Secondary Schools in Obingwa Local Government Area of Abia State:- : Emenike, Grant C.

EMENIKE | 94 pages (18782 words) | Projects


 The purpose of' this study is to investigate the Inllucncc of Principals' Conllicl Management Skills on Teachers' Instructional I Effectiveness in Obingwa Local Cjovcrnmcnl Area. Abia State. The population of this study comprised 361 made up of 19 principals and 342 teachers of 19 public senior secondary schools in Obingwa Local Govcrnmcnl Area in Abia State. A total of 19 principals and 181 teachers were selected for the study. The major instrument used for the study was a modified likcrt scale structured questionnaire in two ways one for the principals with the name (Principals Conflict Management Skill Questionnaire (PCMSQ) and the other for teachers (Teachers Perception on Principals' Conflict Management Skills Questionnaire (TPPCMSQ). The instrument had a reliability coefficient value of 0.78 using Cronbach Alpha Method. rl'hc method oT data analysis used was descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, means, and standard. deviations. The findings were analyzed to identify and determine the influence oi principals* conflict skills on tcachcrs, instructional cflcctivcncss. The result of the study shows that only three conflict management skills arc liinctionally influential on teachers' instructional effectiveness in Obingwa Local Government Area, which arc collaborating, compromise, and accommodating, while avoiding by the result has a very low inllucncc below the acceptable mean score which suggests that it is not in use and therefore has no positive relationship. It was concluded that generally conflict have been effectively managed by principals of senior secondary schools in the study area, showing that principals, cflcctivc use of conHict. management skills in resolving conflicts in schools consequently inHucnccs teachers' instructional effectiveness. The findings of this study have implications for principals, teachers, and educators. The study was limited to only in public schools and Obingwa Local Government Area and cannot be generalized in other areas. Considering the importance of conflict managcnicnl skills in schools, it was recommended that government should organize regular workshops, seminars, conferences and orientation programmes for principals and teachers on effective conllicl managcmcni skills. This will improve the educators1 knowledge particularly the emerging ideas on conHicl management skills. It1 was suggested to study Principals, supervisory role as correlates ofteachers5 instructional effectiveness in Abia State.

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EMENIKE, E (2024). Influence of Principals5 Conflict Management Skills on teachers' Instructional Effectiveness in Senior Secondary Schools in Obingwa Local Government Area of Abia State:- : Emenike, Grant C.. Retrieved Feb 23, 2025, from

MLA 8th

EMENIKE, EMENIKE. "Influence of Principals5 Conflict Management Skills on teachers' Instructional Effectiveness in Senior Secondary Schools in Obingwa Local Government Area of Abia State:- : Emenike, Grant C.", 28 Mar. 2024, Accessed 23 Feb. 2025.


EMENIKE, EMENIKE. "Influence of Principals5 Conflict Management Skills on teachers' Instructional Effectiveness in Senior Secondary Schools in Obingwa Local Government Area of Abia State:- : Emenike, Grant C.".,, 28 Mar. 2024. Web. 23 Feb. 2025. < >.


EMENIKE, EMENIKE. "Influence of Principals5 Conflict Management Skills on teachers' Instructional Effectiveness in Senior Secondary Schools in Obingwa Local Government Area of Abia State:- : Emenike, Grant C." (2024). Accessed 23 Feb. 2025.

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