Growth Performance And Haematological Characteristics Of Broiler Finisher Birds Fed Varying Levels Of Calopogonium Mucunoides Desv (Calopo) Leaf Meal

ANYANWU JULIET O | 46 pages (8768 words) | Projects


The effect of calopogonium mucunoids leaf meal (CIVIEM) on I hr performance and haematological profile of broiler finisher birds was determined in a 28- day fee(ling trial. Four (lids containing CM EM at 0% (control) 5%, 7.5% and 10% levels respectively Were formulated afl(l fed to the birds in a completely m randomised design (CR1)). The broilers were (liVi(le(l in to lou r grou S of 1 5 birds each. Each group was subdivided into three ffplicflt('S of five birds each. Data on their body weight an(! ldc(I intake were collected. Al 8 weeks of age, blood was collected from 2 randomly selected bir(ls from each replicate in a treatment through their jugular vein with a syringe into an El Yl'A l)ottle for 1)100(1 analysis. 'l'he result of the ('xperinlellt showed that the 1)ir(IS Fed 7.5 and 10% CMLM diets were significantly different (P<0.05) and had higher live weight. (1 .83, I .72 kg) and average (In ily gain (65.48, 61 .4()g) It n ii 0° I .54kg,55. I 4g) and 5% (1 .56, 55.79g) leaf meals. There were no sign i !Jean t differences (P>0.05) in the feed conversion ratio and average (laily feed intake among lrralmrnls. 1'inal 1ivc weight, total weight gain, ivcrage daily gain (2.34kg, 1 .83kg, 65.48g) were best at 7.5% but similarly birds fed I 0% CM EM while average daily feed intake a n I feed conversion rat io showed no significant difference (P>0.05). Dietary inclusion of CMLM reduced cost of teed per kg and increased profit. Revenue and gross iiargin (Ni 1 12.00, N) I 2.l2) were best at 5% level of CM EM afl(1 cost 1)eflCfil (N 1 95.79) wa.s best at 7.5% level of CM EM inclusion. I laematological values (PVC, Jib, RI C, MCV, MCI IC) differed significantly (P<0.05) among the birds however WI C and MCII showed non-significant differences (P>0.05). PCV (44.00%), RI3C (2.83xi01'mm), Hi) (1 1. 1 7%) of the birds did best at 5% CM EM inclusion. WI3C (1.62x I 0mm) and MCI I of birds fed CMEM performed optimally at 1 0% inclusion while MC] 1 C (33.490 ) perlOrmed best it 0% (com it ml). 'ftc incorporat ion of ('alopoqo,,iin;m 7iH1C1/1U)i(I('S (11(1 not affet a(lverselv growt 11 performance and hariiiatological characteristics of broiler finisher 1)11(15.

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ANYANWU, O (2021). Growth Performance And Haematological Characteristics Of Broiler Finisher Birds Fed Varying Levels Of Calopogonium Mucunoides Desv (Calopo) Leaf Meal. Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from

MLA 8th

O, ANYANWU. "Growth Performance And Haematological Characteristics Of Broiler Finisher Birds Fed Varying Levels Of Calopogonium Mucunoides Desv (Calopo) Leaf Meal", 16 Nov. 2021, Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.


O, ANYANWU. "Growth Performance And Haematological Characteristics Of Broiler Finisher Birds Fed Varying Levels Of Calopogonium Mucunoides Desv (Calopo) Leaf Meal".,, 16 Nov. 2021. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < >.


O, ANYANWU. "Growth Performance And Haematological Characteristics Of Broiler Finisher Birds Fed Varying Levels Of Calopogonium Mucunoides Desv (Calopo) Leaf Meal" (2021). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.

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