study was conducted to assess and compare the condi ER)flS of slaughter and disposal
of by products in both Arochuk wu and Univa hia towusli ip abattoirs. The relevant
da (a were cot k'etcd lhrotieh qucslioiiiia ii es, visils to abattoiis.
interviews of personnel, etc. The responses were ana1y7ed using percentages,
ficquenctes and means. Two hypotheses were tested, one relating to the
availability ollacililies and the other to the quality of veterinary inspection
and sanitation using Z-test statistics. Both hypotheses, tested at PKO.05 lcvcl
of Siri) heaiie were found to be statistically non significant. Other
parameters studied iii this woi k showed poor conditions in both abaltoirs
except for (lie location of Viuuahia townsh ii) abattoir, gi cii the lhct that
it is sited away from residential areas. A relocation of Arochukwu abattoir is recommended.
Modern facilities should be installed in both abattoirs. The level of' veterinary
inspection olan imals, pie- and post- slaughter and environmental sanitation
ought to be improved in both abuttoirs. The meat handlers should be educated on
il)cthlods of improving their skill and knowled,c ol meat hygiene and handling.
i\ri enforcement agency should be made to look into the issues of wearing
protective clothing in both abattoirs and to guard against ceila in other
practices such as selling of infected carcasses lhr public consumption most
especially, in the local area. The State and Local Governments should be
committed to immediate provision of industry for the tw-products so as to
ensure that they arc utihiicd to the fullest advantage. The study concluded
that when flise recommendations are hilly put in place, the cay iroiinientat
san itatioti co:ui tions of I he abatloirs in Aroclnikwu and tjiiivahia to\vnshlipS
would be sgni1icaiitly improved to meet time needs for whichi they are
Title page .
Declaration .
Certification IV
Table of contents
List of tables.............
1.0 introduction
I . I Background of thc study
1.2 Objectives of the study
I .3 Statemcn of Problem...
1.4 Justificatioti . . 3
1 .5 Research questions 3
3 .6 1-lypothesis . . S 4
.7 Assumptions of the
study.................................... 4
ci i VEER ]\\7(J
2 0 Literature Review 5
2. 1 1 listoricat background oii meat and aba ttoi r
2.2 Types of Abaitoir 6
2.3 General principles ofa r ::f ton design 6
2.3.1 Lairage S
2.3.2 Drains and pits
2.3.3. Watersupply
2.3.4. Isolation block...
2.3.5 Chill rooms.
2.3.6 Gittcry and tripery 10
2.3.7 Abattoirciperalion
................................... 11
2.3.8 Basic equipment
2.4 Pie-slaughter handling 1aniruals
..................................I 2
2.5 Methods oislam;hter 1 4
2.5. 1 The humane and conventional technique
o1sliughter 1 5
2.5.2 The African traditional slaughter I 8
2.5.3Fhe Islamic slauditcr (I lala) 1 8
2.5.1. 1 lie Jewish lauliIcr (Kosher) I 9
2.5.5 The Sikh slaughter (Jhak ta) 19
2.6 Deterioration ofincat and its prevention 20
2.7 Slaughterhouse by-products 21
3.0 Materials and incthod; .................... . 22
3.1 Design olthe study...
........................................ 22
3.2 Area of the study ...... 22
3.3 Sarnpl ing technique 23
3.3 Swp1ing technique 23
3.1 Methods of data coilcctioii . 23
35 \Tjj of
3.6 Mtihod oldata analysis 23
3.6. 1 Percentages ... 23
3.6.2 USC f
l.0 Result and
4. I Results 27
d. ] .1 i3ckground it motion of respondents 27 (lender of respondents . . 27
4.1. 1.2 A8e of respondents 28 Educational level o!respondcats .. . 29
4. 1.2 Research qucstions
...................................... ...... 3(.)
4 1.3 Hypotheses testing 33
4 2 Piscussion
5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation 38
5. 1 Implications of the study and conclusion 3$
5.1,1 implications of the study ............
............ ... . 3$
5. 1.2 Conclusion . . . '10
5.2 Recommendations 44)4 I
OKORO, S (2021). Evaluation Of The Conditions Of Slaughter And Disposal Of By Products: A Case Study Of Arochukwu And Umuahia Township . Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Dec 22, 2024, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-the-conditions-of-slaughter-and-disposal-of-by-products-a-case-study-of-arochukwu-and-umuahia-township-7-2
SAMUEL, OKORO. "Evaluation Of The Conditions Of Slaughter And Disposal Of By Products: A Case Study Of Arochukwu And Umuahia Township " Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 25 May. 2021, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-the-conditions-of-slaughter-and-disposal-of-by-products-a-case-study-of-arochukwu-and-umuahia-township-7-2. Accessed 22 Dec. 2024.
SAMUEL, OKORO. "Evaluation Of The Conditions Of Slaughter And Disposal Of By Products: A Case Study Of Arochukwu And Umuahia Township ". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 25 May. 2021. Web. 22 Dec. 2024. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-the-conditions-of-slaughter-and-disposal-of-by-products-a-case-study-of-arochukwu-and-umuahia-township-7-2 >.
SAMUEL, OKORO. "Evaluation Of The Conditions Of Slaughter And Disposal Of By Products: A Case Study Of Arochukwu And Umuahia Township " Mouau.afribary.org (2021). Accessed 22 Dec. 2024. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-the-conditions-of-slaughter-and-disposal-of-by-products-a-case-study-of-arochukwu-and-umuahia-township-7-2