crude extracts of ginger, ncem sccds, paw paw roots, bitter cola and leaves of
Hyptis suaveolens at 5%, 10% and 20% concentration were tested for their
cffects on the mycclial growth and sclcrotial germination of Sclerotiiul
rolfsii on potato dextrose agar (PDA). The experiment was laid out in a 5 x 3
factorial in a completely randomized design (CRD) replicated three times. The
results showed that at 20% concentration, cxtracts of ncem sced, /I.
suaveolcnS, bitter cola and ginger significantly (P< 0.05) inhibited the
mycelial growth of S rolfsii better than the extract of paw paw roots.
Percentage inhibition was 71.1%, 64.6%, 62.6%. 59.3% and 36.6% respectively.
Percentage sclerotia inhibitions at 20% concentration of the extracts were:
neem seed (82.1%),f/.suaveolens (82.7%,), bitter cola (80.7%), ginger (70.2%)
and pawpaw (49.0%). At 10% and 5% concentrations, the mycclial growth and
sc\erolia germination of S. rolfsii was poorly inhibited. Inhibition of
mycelial growth and germination of sclcrotia in S. rolfsii increased with
increasing concentration of the extracts. ln the greenhouse studies polted soil
in which tomato seeds were sown, was drenched with efficacious extracts at 20%
concentration as well as suspension of captan and '/: harzianum. The results
showed that drenching two days before inoculation with S. rolfsii gave similar
disease reduction (56-67%) in all treatments. When the soil drenches were
applied on the same day as inoculation, T, harzianum, necm sccd extracts,
captan, H. suaveolens and ginger extracts significantly differed (P <0.05)
from the bitter cola cxtract and the disease reduction value range from 40%
-60%. Only neem seed extract, captan and T. harzianum significantly (P
<0.05) reduced the damping-off disease giving disease reduction values of
52.5%, 57.5% and 64.7% respectively, at two days after inoculation with the
MICHAEL, U (2023). Control Of The Damping-Off Disease Or Tomato Seedlings Incited By Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc Using Some Plant Extracts, Captan And Trichoderma Harzianum:- Okereke , Victor .C.. Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 14, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/control-of-the-damping-off-disease-or-tomato-seedlings-incited-by-sclerotium-rolfsii-sacc-using-some-plant-extracts-captan-and-trichoderma-harzianum-okereke-victor-c-7-2
UNIVERSITY, MICHAEL. "Control Of The Damping-Off Disease Or Tomato Seedlings Incited By Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc Using Some Plant Extracts, Captan And Trichoderma Harzianum:- Okereke , Victor .C." Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 19 Oct. 2023, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/control-of-the-damping-off-disease-or-tomato-seedlings-incited-by-sclerotium-rolfsii-sacc-using-some-plant-extracts-captan-and-trichoderma-harzianum-okereke-victor-c-7-2. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.
UNIVERSITY, MICHAEL. "Control Of The Damping-Off Disease Or Tomato Seedlings Incited By Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc Using Some Plant Extracts, Captan And Trichoderma Harzianum:- Okereke , Victor .C.". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 19 Oct. 2023. Web. 14 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/control-of-the-damping-off-disease-or-tomato-seedlings-incited-by-sclerotium-rolfsii-sacc-using-some-plant-extracts-captan-and-trichoderma-harzianum-okereke-victor-c-7-2 >.
UNIVERSITY, MICHAEL. "Control Of The Damping-Off Disease Or Tomato Seedlings Incited By Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc Using Some Plant Extracts, Captan And Trichoderma Harzianum:- Okereke , Victor .C." Mouau.afribary.org (2023). Accessed 14 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/control-of-the-damping-off-disease-or-tomato-seedlings-incited-by-sclerotium-rolfsii-sacc-using-some-plant-extracts-captan-and-trichoderma-harzianum-okereke-victor-c-7-2