Assessment Of The Impact Of Commercial Banks ln Financing Small And Medium Scale Enterprises In Nigeria: 1997-2006 (A Study Area Of Umuahia North Local. Government Area,) Abia State". The objective of the study were to determine the ratio of loan to the SMEs from the total loan disbursement by commercial 'banks in Nigeria between 1991 and 2006 and to know whether adequate loans was extended to the S:MEs during this period based on the central bank of Nigeria (CBN's) bench mark of 25 percent. Also, to determine the possible inhibiting factors in granting credit to be S~s by commercial banks in Nigeria. The popul~tion of thestudy was one,hundred and twenty six (126), comprising one hundred and twelve (112) registered SME with the Abia chamber of commerce (14) commercial banks branches within Umuahia North Metropolis. A sample of ninety six (96) was selected using Yaro Yamanc's model. Also Bowley's proportional model was used in the proportional allocation of respondent. Questionnaire method was used in gathering primary data, while secondary data were obtained from CBN' s statistical bulletin, 2006, Vol.17', where data on loan disbursement by commercial banks in Nigeria was significantly less than the 25percent benchmark by the CBN during the period. Also high probability of loan default constitutes a major inhibiting factor in extending credit to the SMEs in Nigeria by commercial banks. Based on the researcher's findings, we recommend among others that a credit guarantee scheme for the SMEs be introduced by the government to take care of both secured and unsecured loans to this sector. This will encourage commercial banks to extend adequate credit to the Siv1Es and at the same time minimize the risk of default by the SMEs .
B. Sc. Research Project
Evaluation Form
Dedication v
Aclrnowledgement Vl
Table of Contents Vll
List of Tables lX
List of Figure x
Abstract Xl
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 · Statement of the Problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the study 5
1.4 Research questions 5
1.5 Hypotheses 6
1.6 Scope And Coverage Of The Study 6
1. 7 Limitation of the Study 6
1.8 Significance of the Study 7
2 .1 Introduction 8
2.2 Structure of the Sinall and Medium Scale Enterprise 10
2.2.1 The Sole Proprietorship 11
2.2.2 Th~ Partnership 11
2.2.3 The Co-operative Societies 12
2.2.4 The Private Limited Liability Company 12
2.3 Features of the SMEs in Nigeria 13
2.4 The Role of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in The Economy 14
2.5 A Review of Government Programmes And Policies Supporting SMEs In Nigeria
2.6 Trends of Commercial Banks credits to the SMEs in Nigeria. 18
2. 7 Experience of other Countries 21
2. 7 .1 Credit Policies 23
2.8 Individual perceptions of the Problems of the SMEs in Nigeria 24
3.1 Introduction 26
3.2 Research Design 26
3.3 Study of Population And Sample Size 27
3.4 · Data collection and instrument 31
3.4.l Primary Source of Data Collection 31
3.4.2 Secondary Source of DataCollection 32
3.5 Procedure For Data Collection I Research Instrument 35
3.6 Validity of the instrument 32
3.7 Reliability of the Instrument 33
3.8 · Statistical Method Of Data Presentation, Testing Of Hypothesis And Data Analysis 33
3 .8.1 Decision Rule 34
4.1 Introduction 35
4.2' Presentation and Analysis of Responses to Questionnaire Items 35
4.3 Test of Hypothesis 48
4.3.l State of Hypothesis 48
4.3.2 Computation of Mean, Variance and the Standard Deviation
from Table 4.7 49
4.3.3 Decision Rule 51
5.1 The Summary of Findings 52
5 .2 Conclusion ·
5 .3 Recommendations 54
AZUONYE, M (2020). ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN FINANCING SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES IN NIGERIA: 1997-2006 (A STUDY AREA OF UMUAHIA NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA,) ABIA STATE. Mouau.afribary.org: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/assessment-of-the-impact-of-commercial-banks-in-financing-small-and-medium-scale-enterprises-in-nigeria-1997-2006-a-study-area-of-umuahia-north-local-government-area-abia-state
MOUAU/09/14599, AZUONYE. "ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN FINANCING SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES IN NIGERIA: 1997-2006 (A STUDY AREA OF UMUAHIA NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA,) ABIA STATE" Mouau.afribary.org. Mouau.afribary.org, 14 Apr. 2020, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/assessment-of-the-impact-of-commercial-banks-in-financing-small-and-medium-scale-enterprises-in-nigeria-1997-2006-a-study-area-of-umuahia-north-local-government-area-abia-state. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
MOUAU/09/14599, AZUONYE. "ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN FINANCING SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES IN NIGERIA: 1997-2006 (A STUDY AREA OF UMUAHIA NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA,) ABIA STATE". Mouau.afribary.org, Mouau.afribary.org, 14 Apr. 2020. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/assessment-of-the-impact-of-commercial-banks-in-financing-small-and-medium-scale-enterprises-in-nigeria-1997-2006-a-study-area-of-umuahia-north-local-government-area-abia-state >.
MOUAU/09/14599, AZUONYE. "ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN FINANCING SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES IN NIGERIA: 1997-2006 (A STUDY AREA OF UMUAHIA NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA,) ABIA STATE" Mouau.afribary.org (2020). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/assessment-of-the-impact-of-commercial-banks-in-financing-small-and-medium-scale-enterprises-in-nigeria-1997-2006-a-study-area-of-umuahia-north-local-government-area-abia-state